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Hello from the South


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  • Hello from the South

    Hi Guys n Gals,

    I’ve come seeking companionship, moral support (ummm lots of it!), knowledge & enlightenment on my quest to become self sufficient.

    A total beginner (as I don’t really feel the odd herb, tomato plant or mint over the years really count), I’ve always wanted to be able to grow my own fruit n veg & have (eventually) chookies. My dad grew them when I was growing up, and I always used to help with the easier tasks and of course the harvesting ! Especially the cherries, as he used to send me up the tree to collect them.

    My little merry band consists of Mr PH, Me and the three veggie loving four-footed musketeers. We now live in the home inherited from my dad, and it does have a good useable space front and back, but it’s currently very overgrown, (not to mention very shady in places in the back due to the trees close by) and will need lots of work. So to start with it’s going to have to be containers.

    So, I’m putting my challenge out there – and your mission should you choose to accept it …. Is to point me in the right direction to turn a beginner into a pro .. a wilderness into the garden of Eden …. A chookie-less lover into a chookie-owning lover …. And errm … all with limited resources (just me!) and an extremely tight budget… Is this truly a Mission Impossible ?


  • #2
    Welcome to the Vine Pixie. You'll get lots of friendly advice on here. I don't think your mission is impossible I would say, just tackle a small area at a time and don't wear yourself out by trying to do too much at once.
    Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


    • #3
      Sounds great!

      Why not start a blog, so you can document your journey? Welcome to the forum PH!


      • #4
        Welcome Pixie, I am sure that with all your enthusiasm, nothing is impossible!!

        As scarey said, just tackle small bits at a time.
        This is my first year growing veg and the vine has certainly inspired and informed me immensely.
        I am container gardening on a tight budget too and already have a list of dif veg I want to try next year (and what I don't want to try again!!) as it is just not possible for me to do everything first time round!!

        Good luck and enjoy!!


        • #5
          Welcome to the Vine.
          Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
          By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
          While better men than we go out and start their working lives
          At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


          • #6
            hi and welcome im sure you can do it, like others said little and often and make the hoe your best friend


            • #7
              Thanks for the warm welcome so far everyone

              I've been mooching through the threads on the newbie board and suddenly find I've lost an hour (or two)

              Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
              Sounds great!

              Why not start a blog, so you can document your journey? Welcome to the forum PH!
              Hi Chris - that's a interesting idea, as in addition to the garden - I have a house in need of some TLC as well. Only one hiccup .... I wouldnt know where to start, I bought a couple of books some time ago on how to set up a blog ... but to be honest, they seem to be in another language!

              Whilst the tight budget it out of necessity atm - I do have a long standing, nagging idea to do this all (or as much as possible) by using free / donated / recycled / cheap sourced / preloved items wherever I can, including things like paint etc. (where's a shrug smilie when you need one)

              Wonder if it's possible to create a home & garden by solely using (or mostly anyways) these types of items ? hmmm think you might have encouraged a mutant thought there



              • #8
                Hello and a very warm welcome to the friendly Grapevine!
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • #9
                  Hi Pixie! Welcome to the lovliest forum on the WWW... There are lots of seasoned veg growers on here to ask for advice and moral support!

                  Blogging is EASY PEASY! Go to Blogger or blogspot and sign up the start! (there are of course other blogging sites!) Its as easy as joining this forum really!

                  As all the others have said start with a small area and expand from that. Also work out what you like to eat - sounds silly but no point in growing something that no one will eat!

                  Thats a brill idea for the recycled garden/house project - I see no reason why it wouldnt work... I expect freecycle and the local tip are going to be your new best friends!

                  Good luck! Keep us updated!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jelliebabe View Post
                    Hi Pixie! Welcome to the lovliest forum on the WWW... There are lots of seasoned veg growers on here to ask for advice and moral support!

                    Blogging is EASY PEASY! Go to Blogger or blogspot and sign up the start! (there are of course other blogging sites!) Its as easy as joining this forum really!

                    Thats a brill idea for the recycled garden/house project - I see no reason why it wouldnt work... I expect freecycle and the local tip are going to be your new best friends!

                    Good luck! Keep us updated!
                    Thanks Jelliebabe

                    Hmmm, maybe (depending on how brave I feel) I could do a seperate blog for each ... garden & home

                    Alas, the local freecycles round here seem to be full of wanted items ... especially high end tech things (wanted 20" plasma .. must be HD)


                    • #11
                      Hi PixieHaven

                      Welcome to the forum. I think it is great what you are about to embark upon!

                      Our garden is pretty large and although I wanted to set up a greenhouse and a good growing area I really didn't know where to start. I found the GYO forum to be really inspirational. My husband and I have put the hard work into clearing the bottom of our garden and planted lots of fruiters and veggies and just a few weeks ago we built a greenhouse haha! It looks so much better and I am loving it!

                      Good luck and happy growing!


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the vine PixieHaven - you have come to just the right place! Loads of wise advice and new ideas are available here- along with tea and sympathy if needed!
                        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                        • #13
                          Hello and welcome to the vine Pixie

                          Have a look at the thread, it might give you some inspiration on how to tackle your own overgrown garden.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • #14
                            Hello and welcome to the vine I started off with pots on containers you can grow lots of veggies in all sorts of containers.

                            My Allotment Journal @
                            Google+ and Youtube



                            Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                            • #15
                              Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes

                              Also glad to see the forum back from it's vacation! Thought I'd broken it when I came back the other day to find it offline



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