Hi all, I'm 21 years old and this is my first ever attempt at growing vegetables - ever!
I used to "help" my granddad in his garden with I was about five, with rhubarb, runner beans and tomatoes, but I can imagine I was more of a hinderence than an actual help.
I'm currently growing:
Tomatoes - Moneymaker, Gardeners Delight, Beefsteak and Alisa Craig Varieties.
Runner Beans - White Embargo
Strawberries - Gorella, Honeyoe and two other varieties I can't remember
Carrots - Nantes 2 & James Scarlett Intermediate
Pumpkins - Mammoth Variety
Sunflowers - Russian Giant (I know, I know - not a vegetable)
I first began in April this year (2011) with Sunflower seeds and after a few trips to my local gardening centre became a little engrossed with watching seeds turn into plants, and then finding somewhere for them to grow. It's resulted in a bit of a hodgepodge of methods ranging from sellotaping hurriedly bought 3ft bamboo canes together as supports for runner beans to using bits of old string to keep the canes upright.
I can imagine I'll be asking a lot of beginners questions on these forums over the coming months, so be warned for some somewhat naive mistakes!
Any and all advice is always welcome, especially with regards to what I'm currently growing, so if you've got any tips or tricks, don't be afraid to share
I used to "help" my granddad in his garden with I was about five, with rhubarb, runner beans and tomatoes, but I can imagine I was more of a hinderence than an actual help.
I'm currently growing:
Tomatoes - Moneymaker, Gardeners Delight, Beefsteak and Alisa Craig Varieties.
Runner Beans - White Embargo
Strawberries - Gorella, Honeyoe and two other varieties I can't remember
Carrots - Nantes 2 & James Scarlett Intermediate
Pumpkins - Mammoth Variety
Sunflowers - Russian Giant (I know, I know - not a vegetable)
I first began in April this year (2011) with Sunflower seeds and after a few trips to my local gardening centre became a little engrossed with watching seeds turn into plants, and then finding somewhere for them to grow. It's resulted in a bit of a hodgepodge of methods ranging from sellotaping hurriedly bought 3ft bamboo canes together as supports for runner beans to using bits of old string to keep the canes upright.
I can imagine I'll be asking a lot of beginners questions on these forums over the coming months, so be warned for some somewhat naive mistakes!
Any and all advice is always welcome, especially with regards to what I'm currently growing, so if you've got any tips or tricks, don't be afraid to share
