Hello out there, I stumbled upon this site and thought it could be the one for me!
I'm new to this gardening malarky but very keen, I have a very windy bit of land in Gloucestershire and have spent the last 2 years reclaiming it from the brambles and nettles .... I finally feel like I'm winning that battle!
I'm growing anything and everything, flowers fruit and veg, and the crops so far (2 years) have been good, if I can get to them before my 2 dogs do, they pinch and eat anything :-)
I'm a keen seed-swapper, can anybody let me know if there are any rules I need to know about to start seed swapping? I have plenty to swap with, but I'd like to request some too....
Also, I'm very bad at all things computer-y, so please excuse me if I get it all wrong for a while....took me ages to work out that 'PM' meant 'private message'.....duh!
I'm new to this gardening malarky but very keen, I have a very windy bit of land in Gloucestershire and have spent the last 2 years reclaiming it from the brambles and nettles .... I finally feel like I'm winning that battle!
I'm growing anything and everything, flowers fruit and veg, and the crops so far (2 years) have been good, if I can get to them before my 2 dogs do, they pinch and eat anything :-)
I'm a keen seed-swapper, can anybody let me know if there are any rules I need to know about to start seed swapping? I have plenty to swap with, but I'd like to request some too....
Also, I'm very bad at all things computer-y, so please excuse me if I get it all wrong for a while....took me ages to work out that 'PM' meant 'private message'.....duh!