Hi there
I have been finding vine weevil grubs every where
even in my seedling tomato plants which I have had to bin.
My garden is small but I do try to grow fruit and veg and I have to use containers I also have a small allotment that I grow spuds brassicas tomatoes beetroot etc on.
At home I recently planted a dwarf root stock apple tree in a container that the previous year I had grown runner beans in the old soil was full of grubs which I tipped out and let the chooks scratch through for the juicy morsels
obviously the trees in fresh soil now but
I'm sure like my salad bed, peas etc that imminent invasion is inevitable. I have ordered nemetodes cos I can'nt use pesticides on fruit n veg...but my biggest fear is that I will contaminate my allotment when planting out my young brassicas etc . How effective can I hope the nemetodes to be ? and are there any hints or other advice that can help me deal with this problem?
Many thanks folks Debbie
I have been finding vine weevil grubs every where

My garden is small but I do try to grow fruit and veg and I have to use containers I also have a small allotment that I grow spuds brassicas tomatoes beetroot etc on.
At home I recently planted a dwarf root stock apple tree in a container that the previous year I had grown runner beans in the old soil was full of grubs which I tipped out and let the chooks scratch through for the juicy morsels

I'm sure like my salad bed, peas etc that imminent invasion is inevitable. I have ordered nemetodes cos I can'nt use pesticides on fruit n veg...but my biggest fear is that I will contaminate my allotment when planting out my young brassicas etc . How effective can I hope the nemetodes to be ? and are there any hints or other advice that can help me deal with this problem?
Many thanks folks Debbie
