Hi from a newbie (to gardening as well as to the forum) in sunny
Manchester. This forum was mentioned to me by a couple of members of a diet and weight loss forum I use (piskieinboots being one of them) and I've found myself nipping on here regularly since then so it felt rude not to introduce myself!
I'm not so much of a novice gardener as a complete ignoramus. Seriously - I know nothing. I live in a flat and have never had a garden but I've now become a bit obsessed with growing things in pots and am even planning on asking to garden the communal area in front of my flat (some other residents garden areas in front of their flats). So far I have a ridiculous number of tomato plants which seem to be thriving on the window sills (didn't realise they would all germinate when I planted the seeds) as well as some rocket, plus I've planted citrus scented basil, radishes, baby beetroot and mixed salad leaves. The aim is to get most outside in pots or growbags. I don't have a balcony or patio as such - just the paths front and back of my flat - but there is room for them there and both my neighbours have pots etc. Hopefully they will not go walkabout!
I think I'm boring friends and family with my constant questions so have decided I need a new lot of people to bore
I will probably be mainly a lurker - reading and learning - but I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.

I'm not so much of a novice gardener as a complete ignoramus. Seriously - I know nothing. I live in a flat and have never had a garden but I've now become a bit obsessed with growing things in pots and am even planning on asking to garden the communal area in front of my flat (some other residents garden areas in front of their flats). So far I have a ridiculous number of tomato plants which seem to be thriving on the window sills (didn't realise they would all germinate when I planted the seeds) as well as some rocket, plus I've planted citrus scented basil, radishes, baby beetroot and mixed salad leaves. The aim is to get most outside in pots or growbags. I don't have a balcony or patio as such - just the paths front and back of my flat - but there is room for them there and both my neighbours have pots etc. Hopefully they will not go walkabout!
I think I'm boring friends and family with my constant questions so have decided I need a new lot of people to bore
