Greetings from the sunny French Pyrenees. Actually its been drizzling all day. Not enough to give the parched ground a drink or fill the water butts but enough to encourage the slugs out to munch. And talking of slugs, my veg garden has 11 beds, 6X1.5m from which I collect 3-400 slugs per night in the spring.
The peak is around the 650 mark but I am now down to a manageable 150! This is year three so where the hell do they all keep coming from?
My plot is boulder clay and what little top soil there was � about an inch � was scraped off during building works. I get through a lot of horse muck & compost!!
The Grapevine was recommended to me, and after reading about tomato armpits and slugs in salads I hope to fit in. I shall be seeking advice on flea beetles and slugs, how to deter deer and encourage our tiny colony of glow worms. And plants who like no soil, to be snowed on in the winter and baked solid in the summer. And are slug resistant.

My plot is boulder clay and what little top soil there was � about an inch � was scraped off during building works. I get through a lot of horse muck & compost!!
The Grapevine was recommended to me, and after reading about tomato armpits and slugs in salads I hope to fit in. I shall be seeking advice on flea beetles and slugs, how to deter deer and encourage our tiny colony of glow worms. And plants who like no soil, to be snowed on in the winter and baked solid in the summer. And are slug resistant.