Just noticed I never did this before so thought it rude of me not to say hello.
Leon, 32 from Liverpool.
Got a plot in Litherland (Hatton Hill if anyone knows the place) in Liverpool - it is me uncles but ill health means he cant do anything with it.
Managed to get it all sorted last year, so the commitee gave me the other half plot next door so now I have a full one to meself, and am looking for another !!
I was on the waiting list for 7 years for another place in Liverpool, they offered me a half plot a week after my uncle let me start on his but cus of the distance I decided to let the opportunity go.
Growing anything and everything that we can, all in raised beds of at least a foot, with some 3ft high.
One greenhouse on there as well.
erm - what else do yer mention here ?
anyway - this place is sound and I am learning stuff by the day. I am a terrible study wart, so I ask EVERYONE on the site (if they havent hidden behind the shed when they see me come) what they are working, when htey went in, how they are doing, when they will be ready etc.
Also buy the GYO magazin and Grow It (think thats its name) one every month and most allotment books I see in shops and the like.
I am a student of horticulture.
Looking at doing some kidn of horticulture course part time - just got a prospectus from one in Cheshire somewhere.
So err yeah - hello and nice to (cyber) meet yer
Just noticed I never did this before so thought it rude of me not to say hello.
Leon, 32 from Liverpool.
Got a plot in Litherland (Hatton Hill if anyone knows the place) in Liverpool - it is me uncles but ill health means he cant do anything with it.
Managed to get it all sorted last year, so the commitee gave me the other half plot next door so now I have a full one to meself, and am looking for another !!
I was on the waiting list for 7 years for another place in Liverpool, they offered me a half plot a week after my uncle let me start on his but cus of the distance I decided to let the opportunity go.
Growing anything and everything that we can, all in raised beds of at least a foot, with some 3ft high.
One greenhouse on there as well.
erm - what else do yer mention here ?
anyway - this place is sound and I am learning stuff by the day. I am a terrible study wart, so I ask EVERYONE on the site (if they havent hidden behind the shed when they see me come) what they are working, when htey went in, how they are doing, when they will be ready etc.
Also buy the GYO magazin and Grow It (think thats its name) one every month and most allotment books I see in shops and the like.
I am a student of horticulture.
Looking at doing some kidn of horticulture course part time - just got a prospectus from one in Cheshire somewhere.
So err yeah - hello and nice to (cyber) meet yer