Hi every one, another newbee here, had a little look round this site and realised you don't bite
so i thought i would say hello.
Ever year I�m filled with excitement at the coming seasons and then I�m completely daunted and overwhelmed as where to start, now as normally I�m a little down in the dumps that it almost over and i still have not started any of what i wanted to do.
Your site has cheered me up and i just want to say hi and start planning next year it�s nice to see there a lot on raised bed (probably would not be so daunting) which might be better for me.
Thanks for reading

Ever year I�m filled with excitement at the coming seasons and then I�m completely daunted and overwhelmed as where to start, now as normally I�m a little down in the dumps that it almost over and i still have not started any of what i wanted to do.
Your site has cheered me up and i just want to say hi and start planning next year it�s nice to see there a lot on raised bed (probably would not be so daunting) which might be better for me.
Thanks for reading