Originally posted by Sheneval
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New Allotment
Apologies I missed your last post - I love the smell of lavender and hope to get more next year - good pic.
Spent 5 hours at the allotment yesterday digging up all but a few potatoes and clearing the pea bed and weeds from both. One of the plot holders sweet corn had been stolen the previous night so I harvested all of mine just in case. Had harvested the remainder of my beetroot two days ago when I cleared the bed that will take the potatoes next year and put 6 barrow loads of manure on top ready for digging in. Had another hour on the plot today carrying out a bit more weeding and collecting those that had been left yesterday for disposal. Noticed Blight has arrived on the site but my foliage seems not to have been affected.
Had a visit from a robin today whilst I was weeding - it got as close as a foot away and remained there for some time but as soon as I got the camera out it took the huff and skipped off behind some fencing and presumably then took off for other parts - think it will rain tomorrow but will see if it returns on SundayLast edited by Sheneval; 06-09-2013, 04:31 PM.Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
A couple of hours spent at the allotment this afternoon strimming the path on the northern side of my plot until the battery strimmer ran out of power just before I was completely finishedBattery on the charger at the moment and I will finish the job tomorrow.
A bit more weeding of this year's pea bed and picked the remainder of the broad beans.
I will finish this tomorrow and put the broad bean foliage on the compost binEndeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
Originally posted by Sheneval View PostA bit more weeding of this year's pea bed and picked the remainder of the broad beans.
I will finish this tomorrow and put the broad bean foliage on the compost bin
I chopped all the rest of the plants/foliage back (except where the seed pods are) and left them to go black and crispy, and I'll pick them this week, and they can finish drying on newspaper in the attic room, then I can pod them when I get sick and tired of tripping over them.Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 08-09-2013, 09:41 PM.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostMy broadies are coming into flower again.....just sayingLooks like I'll be raiding the VSP again...
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostI'm sure you'll have thought of something you want from the VSP by then so I'll hang on til then
I was thinking of doing just that along with my onions which did really well last year - I would protect them with debris netting and if they don't do well, I can always say I triedEndeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
Originally posted by Sheneval View PostHazel,
I was thinking of doing just that along with my onions which did really well last year - I would protect them with debris netting and if they don't do well, I can always say I tried
When I was clearing the plot last year maximum ice in the ground was 1" and these conditions lasted just over a week - I covered ground with either tarp or fleece and was able to dig it over next morning no problem - Since I live on the coast we usually get snow only on one or two days in winter and it lies for 1 day or less. Last year it did lie for two days on one occasion but that was a rarity.
I have a fair collection of black pods from my Broad Beans but I don't know if these were suitable variety for overwintering - the onions last winter were Troy and I picked them by end of July.
The Spring planted ones were uplifted in mid August so not a lot of difference - I could possibly have lifted the overwintering ones a week or so earlier?
This coming year I intend to put 5g of Biochar under half of them and 5g of rock dust under the other half.Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
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