Hi everyone,just found this site whilst looking up blackcurrant trees.I found an old post from one of your members who bought one from homebase as I did.All the answers seemed to relate to bushes,but this is a tree,about 5feet tall when I bought it last year with a single trunk and branches only at the top.It is growing well and is already in bud,just wondered what if any sort of pruning you would give a tree and how do they cultivate them?Are they simply grown from a bush and pruned and trained,or grafted on to rootstock?They really are a genuine tree in appearance.No use asking homebase they really aren't very clued up about anything other than selling them.Also if you can buy these as trees are there any others such as raspberries in this form?
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Wow, first time I have ever heard of a blackcurrant tree, but this would be a great place to start with the amount of members.
Ohh and welcome to the vinehttp://theallotmentplot.weebly.com/index.html
A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.
Welcome to the Vine Martdog.
Blackcurrants are normally grown as bushes, but in theory it is perfectly possible to grow them as a standard (or tree) Some tips here BBC - Gardening - Gardening Guides - Techniques - How to prune soft fruit on pruning blackcurrants. I know this relates to bushes but the same principle would apply to your tree.
I don't think this would work for raspberries as they produce new canes from ground level or below.
Welcome Martdog-------------------------------
Currently growing..
Peter Pepper,Moruga Scorpion,Habanero,Bhut Jolokia(yellow),Numex Twilight,Purple Jalapeno,Big Jim,Papri Paprika,Thai Hybrid,Esplendor,Sweet mini bell pepper and Patio fire chilli...
Black tomato,Dragons Egg Cucumbers and Charentais Melon
Thanks for the welcomes.I had never heard of a blackcurrant as a tree but one of your members in 2011 mentioned it in an old thread I found online,he got his from homebase as well.As I said,only planted last year and bought for novelty of it,but will keep you posted as per fruiting,etc.seems to be thriving,tag on it shows grown in Holland & is a true fruit tree not just decorative.
This is the only thread I could find and there seems to be some confusion about the "tree" bit
Shaunbrook was on here a couple of weeks ago but whether he'll spot this I don't know.
On his profile page there is a photo of his blackcurrant and its definitely a bush
Please show us a picture of yours and maybe the fruit experts can give us their comments.
Welcome to the vine martdog. What variety is it as I can only find these 2 on their website:
Buy blackcurrant blackcurrant 'Ben Connan (PBR)': Delivery by Crocus.co.uk
Buy blackcurrant blackcurrant 'Ben Sarek': Delivery by Crocus.co.uksigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
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