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  • Federation

    My name is Andrea Hallissey. I am the secretary for a newly formed Allotment Federation
    West Cheshire Allotment Federation. Covering the West Cheshire and Chester council area.
    We are nothing to do with the council.
    We work under the umbrella of The National Society of Allotment Gardeners.
    My reason for posting is that due to data protection the council can not supply us with site rep details. So making our task of contacting plot holders more difficult.
    Please I would ask anybody out there involved in any way with allotments especially in the Ellesmereport area to contact me as soon as possible.
    A meeting was held in Chester attended by council,plot holders and the NSAG
    The council made it clear that they will not be supporting sites in the future. Hence to formation of the Federation . We need your support.

  • #2
    Andrea, why don't you visit the local sites? You could print up some posters and ask if they can be displayed on site.

    Also contact the local newspapers.


    • #3
      "My reason for posting is that due to data protection the council can not supply us with site rep details."

      All the council has to do is email all the reps and send them your info.
      If they won't, then look on the council website and get all the local councillor emails and email them asking to have your info passed on.

      What a load of frothy nonsense from a council though.

      Get some press coverage, newspaper, local radio etc.


      • #4
        In Scotland, local authorities are absolutely obliged to provide details of all allotment tenancies available to any ratepayer who requests the information.
        Do you have anything like that in your legislation south of the border?

        The office of the information Commissioner Scotland confirmed to us that nothing in the Data Protection legislation prevents a local aujtority fulfilling its obligations under any other legislation.
        Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 22-04-2013, 09:46 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Andrea 56 View Post
          I am the secretary for a newly formed ...West Cheshire Allotment Federation. ... the council can not supply us with site rep details.
          You need to visit all the sites really. You won't get much info from posting on here, we're not local enough.

          Facebook might be a good tool to use too, although a lot of plotters are old school and don't go anywhere near devilry such as compoooters
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            Will they give you a list of sites? Visiting them all might take some time though. You might find a few online.

            Our council publishes the list of secretaries contact details online.


            • #7
              As AllDigging suggests send a copy of an introductary email including all your contact details, to the councils allotments office and ask them to forward it to all their contacts....we do this regularly without any problems...or as others have suggested visit the sites personally and put posters up also local press/radio/libraries etc
              The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


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