Hello All. After a few years of growing greenhouse tomatoes and chilies, I've slowly been taking over our garden planting onions, shallots, cabbages and the like. So, I've just got myself an allotment and the garden can now be reclaimed.
I've attached pictures.
As you can see, it's a bit overgrown and the shed and greenhouse are rickety to say the least. However, compared to some pictures I've seen of new allotments it's not as bad as it could be. It also comes with two apple trees, two rhubarb plants and a wildy overgrown bunch of rasberries. The shed however is badly leaning so I will need to do some work on it until I get the chance to build a new one.
These pictures were taken before a weekend of digging and unfortunately the soil is very compacted clay, so I think it will take a few years, much manure and a broken back to get it how I want it. I have however managed to plant a few rows of onion sets and broad beans.
I've attached pictures.
As you can see, it's a bit overgrown and the shed and greenhouse are rickety to say the least. However, compared to some pictures I've seen of new allotments it's not as bad as it could be. It also comes with two apple trees, two rhubarb plants and a wildy overgrown bunch of rasberries. The shed however is badly leaning so I will need to do some work on it until I get the chance to build a new one.
These pictures were taken before a weekend of digging and unfortunately the soil is very compacted clay, so I think it will take a few years, much manure and a broken back to get it how I want it. I have however managed to plant a few rows of onion sets and broad beans.