Hello Dorothy
It's actually very sturdy inside despite what it looks like. We're allowed any size of shed/greenhouse so I'm planning on re-using an old 7'x5' shed at home and building it around the exisiting shed and water butt so it will become an L shaped mega shed. That's a job for next year though... Some of the other sheds up the allotment are brilliant, real mish mash of recycled bits and bobs. I put forward an idea for a charity shed calendar but no one else was that interested.
It's actually very sturdy inside despite what it looks like. We're allowed any size of shed/greenhouse so I'm planning on re-using an old 7'x5' shed at home and building it around the exisiting shed and water butt so it will become an L shaped mega shed. That's a job for next year though... Some of the other sheds up the allotment are brilliant, real mish mash of recycled bits and bobs. I put forward an idea for a charity shed calendar but no one else was that interested.