Hi everyone. Bit late in getting 'round to doing this but never mind.
I've been visiting this site, feverishly devouring info like a thing possessed, since I caught the gardening bug back in April; thanks to this video.
Back then, I cluelessly dived straight in and bought a 1x2m Linkabord raised bed and, get this... 12 cauliflower, 12 red cabbage and 12 curly kale plant plugs to put in it,
. That done, and with a few planted in what little available ground I had at the time, I set about giving away almost as many plugs as I had planted
. Live and learn.
Since then, every feasible vessel capable of retaining enough compost to grow something in it has had holes drilled into it and taken on a new incarnation as a plant pot. And, thank to you lovely and oh so informative folks on here, I have had success in varying degrees with just about everything I have planted; around twenty different kinds of veg, in all. No luck with the herbs, mind you. Caulis, no problem; basil, parsley, coriander... no joy at all. Who'd've thunk it.
Anyway, thank you one and all for your help thus far.
I've been visiting this site, feverishly devouring info like a thing possessed, since I caught the gardening bug back in April; thanks to this video.
Back then, I cluelessly dived straight in and bought a 1x2m Linkabord raised bed and, get this... 12 cauliflower, 12 red cabbage and 12 curly kale plant plugs to put in it,

Since then, every feasible vessel capable of retaining enough compost to grow something in it has had holes drilled into it and taken on a new incarnation as a plant pot. And, thank to you lovely and oh so informative folks on here, I have had success in varying degrees with just about everything I have planted; around twenty different kinds of veg, in all. No luck with the herbs, mind you. Caulis, no problem; basil, parsley, coriander... no joy at all. Who'd've thunk it.
Anyway, thank you one and all for your help thus far.