Good Evening!
After a terrible beginning to the year, marriage breakdown, moving out - losing a garden to live in a flat and sharing care of 2 young children, I've started to get on top of life again, learning to drive and this week, I've signed up for an allotment! I was actually feeling depressed at not having a garden. Was doubly depressed when July came and went and I remembered that I'd lovingly planted out onion and garlic in the old garden, somehow, I don't think the new tenants would have appreciated me grabbing my veggies.
Anyhow, so I sort of work with the local authority, one of the girls is leaving and offered to swap her plot to my name but the allotments manager thought I'd like a bigger challenge and has given me a rather messy corner plot. It's a mess. The previous tenant had been served notice although he appears to have moved to another, tidier plot on the other side of the allotments.
So I have a challenge on my hands, a glass house structure which doesn't look in the least bit safe, another structure down the bottom of the allotment which also doesn't look too great. Erm .. it's completed uncultivated and overgrown. BUT on the plus side, it's sheltered on one side by neighbouring trees - they're on the west side of the plot so won't block the sunlight. There is a fence between mine and my neighbours allotment, so a little more protection offered there. I have a fig tree, 2 apple trees and a plum tree. Probably a quarter to a third of the plot, I won't be able to use due to the neighbouring tree root system, but, that's perfect, I can grass seed that and make it a lawn for my daughters to play on (this is going to basically be our garden away from home)
I have some major plans for this plot but first, the clean-up operation. The structures have to be removed, my manager will arrange for a skip to collect all the rubbish and once I've cleared as much of the overgrowth as I can, they'll remove that and then rotovate the entire lot for me so that I can begin planning ..
I am actually so excited, my daughters loved growing vegetables last year - actually, they just loved eating the vegetables!! We want to set aside an area to encourage butterflies and bees. So I suppose that I'm not exactly looking to run a traditional row upon row style allotment, but more a multi function area for my family to use and enjoy.
Well, that's me! Hi!
I look forward to sharing ideas and learning more about what and when to grow things. The allotment holder looked at me and I could tell that he's not sure that I'm up to it .. this time next year, that overgrown plot is going to be beautiful!
After a terrible beginning to the year, marriage breakdown, moving out - losing a garden to live in a flat and sharing care of 2 young children, I've started to get on top of life again, learning to drive and this week, I've signed up for an allotment! I was actually feeling depressed at not having a garden. Was doubly depressed when July came and went and I remembered that I'd lovingly planted out onion and garlic in the old garden, somehow, I don't think the new tenants would have appreciated me grabbing my veggies.
Anyhow, so I sort of work with the local authority, one of the girls is leaving and offered to swap her plot to my name but the allotments manager thought I'd like a bigger challenge and has given me a rather messy corner plot. It's a mess. The previous tenant had been served notice although he appears to have moved to another, tidier plot on the other side of the allotments.
So I have a challenge on my hands, a glass house structure which doesn't look in the least bit safe, another structure down the bottom of the allotment which also doesn't look too great. Erm .. it's completed uncultivated and overgrown. BUT on the plus side, it's sheltered on one side by neighbouring trees - they're on the west side of the plot so won't block the sunlight. There is a fence between mine and my neighbours allotment, so a little more protection offered there. I have a fig tree, 2 apple trees and a plum tree. Probably a quarter to a third of the plot, I won't be able to use due to the neighbouring tree root system, but, that's perfect, I can grass seed that and make it a lawn for my daughters to play on (this is going to basically be our garden away from home)
I have some major plans for this plot but first, the clean-up operation. The structures have to be removed, my manager will arrange for a skip to collect all the rubbish and once I've cleared as much of the overgrowth as I can, they'll remove that and then rotovate the entire lot for me so that I can begin planning ..
I am actually so excited, my daughters loved growing vegetables last year - actually, they just loved eating the vegetables!! We want to set aside an area to encourage butterflies and bees. So I suppose that I'm not exactly looking to run a traditional row upon row style allotment, but more a multi function area for my family to use and enjoy.
Well, that's me! Hi!
