Well I got married this August to my Feller of the past 11 years 
As my disabled mum went into care we are having to move out our adapted house to move into a flat (if we can find one) so loosing my lovely big garden
I put myself down for an allotment so I would not loose all my plants (Some I started growing as a kid and some were hard to find plus gardening is the best after work stress relief) and I got a 1/2 plot last week
Its a good size and should be plenty big enough for all my plants with room for a few extra veg. Only going to miss my apple, pear, gooseberry, blackberry and redcurrant
Bonus though the plot already has an 2 apples, 1 pear, 2 Victoria plums, raspberries and rhubarb yay
Just got to get all the weeding done fast so that I can move stuff over as we don't know when we will find somewhere

As my disabled mum went into care we are having to move out our adapted house to move into a flat (if we can find one) so loosing my lovely big garden
I put myself down for an allotment so I would not loose all my plants (Some I started growing as a kid and some were hard to find plus gardening is the best after work stress relief) and I got a 1/2 plot last week

Its a good size and should be plenty big enough for all my plants with room for a few extra veg. Only going to miss my apple, pear, gooseberry, blackberry and redcurrant

Bonus though the plot already has an 2 apples, 1 pear, 2 Victoria plums, raspberries and rhubarb yay
Just got to get all the weeding done fast so that I can move stuff over as we don't know when we will find somewhere