Hi all. i have been reading everyones really usefull threads/info for several months now and thought it was time i joined the vine.
I love growing anything you can eat.
2nd yr with my own small garden, last year tried a few toms, lettuce and sping onions. This year really into grow your own - tying to grow everything from seed, its so much more exciting than buying the plants - got toms, peppers and gerkins outside. Onion sets in a few mnths ago and have several bags of potatos (earlies nearly ready). Also trying carrots, dwarf runners and baby leeks. Waiting for chillis to get a bit bigger before planting out. Also got a dwarf Apple tree - i am amazed that i have one apple in the 1st yr - doing all i can to protect that little apple! Just a matter of waiting now a few months before i can start eating everything!
I love growing anything you can eat.
2nd yr with my own small garden, last year tried a few toms, lettuce and sping onions. This year really into grow your own - tying to grow everything from seed, its so much more exciting than buying the plants - got toms, peppers and gerkins outside. Onion sets in a few mnths ago and have several bags of potatos (earlies nearly ready). Also trying carrots, dwarf runners and baby leeks. Waiting for chillis to get a bit bigger before planting out. Also got a dwarf Apple tree - i am amazed that i have one apple in the 1st yr - doing all i can to protect that little apple! Just a matter of waiting now a few months before i can start eating everything!