Hi everyone I'm a newbie to this site so I've come on to let people know what I'm like and what my interests are my name is jimmy and I'm married to lisa with three children Lauren aged 18 Thomas aged 15 and keira aged 8 my interests are gardening composing music playing the guitar astronomy playing snooker and cricket and doing quizzes I go on another forum called stargazers lounge which gives me lots of information about looking at the sky ie looking for constellations and galaxies and dso's which stands for deep sky object's. The forum is very similar to this one the people are very friendly as are the one's on here I also go to star parties as I'm a member of the LAS the Liverpool astronomical society I also like going on short breaks with the family to centreparcs when it's sunny we have a ball so that's all I can think of at the moment so thank you for welcoming me to this lovely forum. Jimmy
