Just a quick post to say hello to everyone!
You can read all about me on my profile info. so I won't bore you with the details here. An apology in advance if I don't visit too often - I have a lot on my hands with my allotment web-site at aeronvale-allotments.org.uk.
I also run a gardening forum called the Gardeners Chat-Shed - but please don't think I'm here to poach members!
What I'm really here for is to chat about beans - I'm the breeder of the unique AERON PURPLE STAR (purple podded) runner beans. It is the pinnacle of my breeding efforts over a number of years & I offer the bean seeds (on a limited scale) to anyone who has an interest in trying them. They are NOT sold commercially, but are gifted to any amateur gardener that requests them - they must not be sold on & if they are gifted to other growers the only stipulation I make is that the name AERON PURPLE STAR is carried forward with them!
If you want to discuss beans then fire away!
You can read all about me on my profile info. so I won't bore you with the details here. An apology in advance if I don't visit too often - I have a lot on my hands with my allotment web-site at aeronvale-allotments.org.uk.
I also run a gardening forum called the Gardeners Chat-Shed - but please don't think I'm here to poach members!
What I'm really here for is to chat about beans - I'm the breeder of the unique AERON PURPLE STAR (purple podded) runner beans. It is the pinnacle of my breeding efforts over a number of years & I offer the bean seeds (on a limited scale) to anyone who has an interest in trying them. They are NOT sold commercially, but are gifted to any amateur gardener that requests them - they must not be sold on & if they are gifted to other growers the only stipulation I make is that the name AERON PURPLE STAR is carried forward with them!
If you want to discuss beans then fire away!