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1st time allotment holder


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  • 1st time allotment holder

    Hello everyone, my name is Phil
    In two days time, I call to my local council office to pay for a large allotment.
    It is a little expensive at nearly �180.00 but I do get the last three months of this year free.
    At 505 meters square ( 1/2 rood ) it should keep me busy for a few weeks, and that's just clearing the site, and putting in sheds, chicken hut, and a greenhouse.
    The allotment is sited in Cleethorpes.
    Planning to put in a variety of small fruit trees, raspberries, peas - the usual stuff.
    I also have some experience in growing several varieties of edible mushroom which can be grown on dead hardwood logs, or sawdust.
    Plenty of spare time on my hands, as I am self employed, and choose my working hours.
    I want to start a thread on the progress of my site, but need to know which category to start the thread in.

  • #2
    Welcome Phil, as a back garden gardener, I am in awe of anyone with a lotty, good luck.
    Someone technical will be along in a minute ref the blog thing
    Nannys make memories


    • #3
      Originally posted by Philplot View Post
      I want to start a thread on the progress of my site, but need to know which category to start the thread in.
      Not sure if it fits-the-bill, but you can start a Blog on here:

      The Grapevine - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs

      (Can't speak for anyone else, but I don't read them ... I check the index-list of threads looking for topics that I might know something about and have an opinion, or things that I would like to know more about, and I don't look any further than that)

      There are also one or two Blog/Diaries in the Allotment forum:
      The Grapevine - Allotment Advice
      Last edited by Kristen; 29-09-2014, 08:32 AM.
      K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


      • #4
        Hi Phil welcome to the grapevine and good luck with your lottie.

        In regards to keeping records of your lottie, you are best to start a blog. Hopefully the following link has worked. It should give you a starting point.

        General Blog Usage

        Unfortunately I cannot give a great deal of help with blogs as I am currently having issues

        It took me a week to find my way round, but if you have any questions just ask peeps are great here


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kristen View Post
          Can't speak for anyone else, but I don't read them ...
          I had a look the other day and the majority seem to be as a link to external blog sites or new people using them rather than forum. I even started a thread to ask about the grapevine blog over a day ago and it is the first thread I have had no responses to. It is a shame as it has the potential to be a great tool.


          • #6
            A key problem I personally perceive with Blogs is the whole Commenting thing, much less rich that the discussion in a forum. In the Forum I can see, at a glance, in a single list/index, threads that I have participated in / am interested in and which have had new posts ... then I go read those and reply if I have something to say.

            OTOH a Blog does enable you to say "I did X, Y and Z" and [if you have a following ] someone can then say "That's not a good idea" whereas in a forum you have to think, beforehand, to ask "Would X, Y and Z be a good idea"

            But having said that Blogs and the likes of "I did this today" in Facebook seem to be all the rage, so folk in general must have a way of dealing with all the information being scattered all over the place ... my brain doesn't work like that.
            Last edited by Kristen; 29-09-2014, 10:38 AM.
            K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


            • #7
              Keeping records of any work I do, is not easy for me to do at home.
              I always lose paperwork, or misplace photographs.
              The blog would just be for record keeping, so not too bothered if others do not read it.
              Thanks for the replies so far. Seems like quite a busy site, this one.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Philplot View Post
                I want to start a thread on the progress of my site
                I did start a blog some years back, but it wasn't as useful to me as having a Facebk account (see link below).
                FB does invite some unwanted feedback as well as the positive, so make sure your security settings are tight, if you go that way
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Philplot View Post
                  Keeping records of any work I do, is not easy for me to do at home.
                  It might be worth you looking at the following thread if you haven't already.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Philplot View Post
                    The blog would just be for record keeping, so not too bothered if others do not read it.
                    Hi Phil, welcome to the vine!

                    I started a blog for the same reason, just so I can keep track of what I've been doing for my own benefit. I started on this site when I got my allotment last year, but found the facilities a little bit too awkward and buggy. So I moved over to do a free Wordpress one. I've set it up so that when I do a new post it also generates a Facebook post.

                    (I've been a bit lazy the last month or two but will do a big update soon!)

                    Enjoy your new allotment, it's a great time of year to get organised and ready for planting.
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • #11
                      Hi Phil and welcome to the vine
                      I started a blog but after being poorly I fell behind with it. I prefer to keep a paper diary now.


                      • #12
                        A very warm welcome to the forum, dear Phil.
                        Pain is still pain, suffering is still suffering, regardless of whoever, or whatever, is the victim.
                        Everything is worthy of kindness.



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