Hello everyone, my name is Phil
In two days time, I call to my local council office to pay for a large allotment.
It is a little expensive at nearly �180.00 but I do get the last three months of this year free.
At 505 meters square ( 1/2 rood ) it should keep me busy for a few weeks, and that's just clearing the site, and putting in sheds, chicken hut, and a greenhouse.
The allotment is sited in Cleethorpes.
Planning to put in a variety of small fruit trees, raspberries, peas - the usual stuff.
I also have some experience in growing several varieties of edible mushroom which can be grown on dead hardwood logs, or sawdust.
Plenty of spare time on my hands, as I am self employed, and choose my working hours.
I want to start a thread on the progress of my site, but need to know which category to start the thread in.
In two days time, I call to my local council office to pay for a large allotment.
It is a little expensive at nearly �180.00 but I do get the last three months of this year free.
At 505 meters square ( 1/2 rood ) it should keep me busy for a few weeks, and that's just clearing the site, and putting in sheds, chicken hut, and a greenhouse.
The allotment is sited in Cleethorpes.
Planning to put in a variety of small fruit trees, raspberries, peas - the usual stuff.
I also have some experience in growing several varieties of edible mushroom which can be grown on dead hardwood logs, or sawdust.
Plenty of spare time on my hands, as I am self employed, and choose my working hours.
I want to start a thread on the progress of my site, but need to know which category to start the thread in.