Hi everyone, I had actually seen this mag in WHSmiths today, but - is it just for fruit and veg? I am undertaking a big job of redesigning a large back garden after having two hugh trees removed. Mainly shrubs and flowers - wildlife friendly and hardy things. Though would like to try something of veg/fruit in pots and troughs. When daughter aged about 4 or 5 we did grow carrots (long spindley things they were
) and lettuce in a trough! Only fruit in garden - wild strawberries everywhere but do have a one sad and lonely small strawberry plant in a planter at the moment, it just needs to go somewhere to get growing (think another pot, in the spring, in the back which is south facing).
Let's see if this works - this is an idea as to how it looked with the trees:-
Hopefully this gives an idea of what it looks like now. Lot of "wild flowers" (Toadflax).
One thing I would like to do is remove some of the lawn. How is the best way by hand - that is good old spade/folk/half moon edger! Can the turf be allowed to "rot down" for putting back in the ground ?(currently have 3 bags of leaves rotting away for next year). Sorry for long post.

Let's see if this works - this is an idea as to how it looked with the trees:-
Hopefully this gives an idea of what it looks like now. Lot of "wild flowers" (Toadflax).
One thing I would like to do is remove some of the lawn. How is the best way by hand - that is good old spade/folk/half moon edger! Can the turf be allowed to "rot down" for putting back in the ground ?(currently have 3 bags of leaves rotting away for next year). Sorry for long post.