Hi all im chris and im new to the grow your own forum and to allotments in general. Along with my new wife vanessa i took on my first allotment back in July and it was as would be expected, overgrown etc but after 5 months it is all more or less cleared. I have several plans for the allotment and will be growing most of the usual stuff as well as fruit and we are hoping to grow cut flowers for the house and have a decent sized herb patch. We started growing our own back in 2011 in the back garden in tubs then a plastic greenhouse and have had mixed results. Last october it was decided to go pro as it were and get an allotment. We waited around 10 months and were lucky enough to be handed the keys to our very own good life and we intend to try save money on supermarket bills and try to give back to the earth
sorry if i have chattered on but so much to share with others
hope to chat to you all soon
chris x
sorry if i have chattered on but so much to share with others
hope to chat to you all soon
chris x