Hi everyone,
I've recently discovered this site after having a bit of a struggle. I decided to join because everyone on here seems very supportive and helpful to eachother!
I'm a keen gardener, I have a HUGE garden which I sometimes struggle to keep up with and somewhere like this is great for tips and tricks!
My basic set up in my garden is made up on beds, topsoil and homemade compost (which I struggle with! I always end up buying the stuff
If anyone has any suppliers of topsoil, compost and anything else let me know!
Keep pottering!
I've recently discovered this site after having a bit of a struggle. I decided to join because everyone on here seems very supportive and helpful to eachother!
I'm a keen gardener, I have a HUGE garden which I sometimes struggle to keep up with and somewhere like this is great for tips and tricks!

My basic set up in my garden is made up on beds, topsoil and homemade compost (which I struggle with! I always end up buying the stuff

If anyone has any suppliers of topsoil, compost and anything else let me know!
Keep pottering!
