Snoop, full name Snoop Puss, looks forward to meeting friends old and new alike and to sharing info with like-minded folk.
Special greetings to Mrs Bee and Cadalot, whom I have missed. Very glad to see other familiar names here too.
Currently digging and Mantising my veg patch, with Mr Snoop's help. It seems enormous but for some reason there's never enough room for everything I want to grow.
Future projects include soft fruit and learning to grow flowers. Oh, and bees. Hives have been on my to-do list for years.
Special greetings to Mrs Bee and Cadalot, whom I have missed. Very glad to see other familiar names here too.
Currently digging and Mantising my veg patch, with Mr Snoop's help. It seems enormous but for some reason there's never enough room for everything I want to grow.
Future projects include soft fruit and learning to grow flowers. Oh, and bees. Hives have been on my to-do list for years.