Well, today I got my allotment, Off I went full of beginners enthusiasm, in the pouring rain......I signed the paperwork, was given my plot number, the code to the gate and the toilets.
Obviously, I was the only one crazy enough to be out in the monsoon, or else they were all hiding in sheds.
Having been to have a quick look at the allotment two weeks ago, I'd spent hours researching what to do with my little plot. Raised beds, companion planting, where to site my compost bins and water butts.
Little did I realise the state the plot is in! I've only taken a half plot to start with as I have very little experience with growing (Always used tubs) never in the ground. The bottom Third is FULL of all sorts of rotten and dilapidated things, there are huge sacks of various tarps, netting, rubble, A very wobbly small tool shed that is perched on a rotten wooden platform, The allotment manager isn't sure who all the stuff belongs to as the adjoining half plot tenant has not been seen for months, and the previous tenant of my plot was given the proper notice to remove anything she wanted.
I'm not sure whether to just get on and get rid of all the rubbish and utilise what sheeting etc is there? I don't want the other tenant turning up in spring saying I've pinched stuff, but id really like to get some hard graft in to get this plot workable.
Either way, Beef casserole is ready for the slow cooker for Sunday dinner so I can spend the day tomorrow trying to figure things out I guess!!
Well, today I got my allotment, Off I went full of beginners enthusiasm, in the pouring rain......I signed the paperwork, was given my plot number, the code to the gate and the toilets.
Obviously, I was the only one crazy enough to be out in the monsoon, or else they were all hiding in sheds.
Having been to have a quick look at the allotment two weeks ago, I'd spent hours researching what to do with my little plot. Raised beds, companion planting, where to site my compost bins and water butts.
Little did I realise the state the plot is in! I've only taken a half plot to start with as I have very little experience with growing (Always used tubs) never in the ground. The bottom Third is FULL of all sorts of rotten and dilapidated things, there are huge sacks of various tarps, netting, rubble, A very wobbly small tool shed that is perched on a rotten wooden platform, The allotment manager isn't sure who all the stuff belongs to as the adjoining half plot tenant has not been seen for months, and the previous tenant of my plot was given the proper notice to remove anything she wanted.
I'm not sure whether to just get on and get rid of all the rubbish and utilise what sheeting etc is there? I don't want the other tenant turning up in spring saying I've pinched stuff, but id really like to get some hard graft in to get this plot workable.
Either way, Beef casserole is ready for the slow cooker for Sunday dinner so I can spend the day tomorrow trying to figure things out I guess!!