Hi all 
I've never grown anything in my life, so am a complete newbie, but I've always said that when I get my own house I'd try growing my own fruit and veg. We're due to move in around late May, so I decided to get a head start so it's not too late to grow anything.
A couple of weeks ago I planted some chilli seeds (jalapeno and cayenne) in a propagator, and I now have thirteen little plants which seem to be a bit bigger every time I look!
Yesterday I planted some garlic and a couple of butternut squash seeds in pots in the kitchen. I'm not a huge lover of squashes, but my other half totally loves them, so it might save us a few quid 
I've spent a lot of time on the internet trying to learn what I should be doing, and this forum seemed very useful and friendly so I've joined up.
Hope you don't mind stupid questions, as I'm going to have a lot of them

I've never grown anything in my life, so am a complete newbie, but I've always said that when I get my own house I'd try growing my own fruit and veg. We're due to move in around late May, so I decided to get a head start so it's not too late to grow anything.
A couple of weeks ago I planted some chilli seeds (jalapeno and cayenne) in a propagator, and I now have thirteen little plants which seem to be a bit bigger every time I look!

I've spent a lot of time on the internet trying to learn what I should be doing, and this forum seemed very useful and friendly so I've joined up.
Hope you don't mind stupid questions, as I'm going to have a lot of them
