Hi everyone. I am new here and this is my first post. I am retired and since retirement have developed RA, which is slightly disabling and makes growing difficult. To make life easier I am having my two big polytunnels recovered and will be having raised beds in them so that I can grow my veg and possibly fruit in there. I am a vey keen gardener and am lucky enough to have a really big garden. Before RA was always out there, every spare minute and some not so spare was spent in the garden but it is sadly now all overgrown. It is not all bad though as the wildlife loves it! However, I have now decided that they cannot have it all to themselves and I must try and start again in a new way. Hence the polytunnels. I really hope that I will be able to ask experienced polytunnel growers their experiences and learn from it. It would all be gratefully received and if I am able to help anyone with their questions/problems, then that would be a real bonus. Anyway - hello to everyone. It will be great to get to know you all. 
