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Introduce myself to the forum


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  • Introduce myself to the forum

    Hi guys, my name is Jose and I am from Spain.
    I am a big fan of fruit trees and I have more than 20 years of experience growing fruit trees, exchanging varieties with friends from other countries and participating actively in forums of my country and in forums of foreign countries.
    I live in the central area of Spain, specifically in the region of Castilla la Mancha (Zone 8) and I have a orchard of 4 hectares with a lot of fruit varieties of all kinds.
    In Spain I am the owner a Hotel-Restaurant, but my two great hobbies are the cultivation of fruit trees and sport fishing in the sea in all its modalities.

    At the request of the moderator Scarlet (I send you a greeting from here)
    She consider that it is convenient to coment some of the varieties of my orchard (it will be a little boring, but let's try).

    Most of the varieties that I will be putting in this post, are available for exchange this winter (except the very small plants grafted this spring).

    So that it is not so monotonous, today I will only put my collection of pears:

    Let's go with the pears:

    Abate Fetel
    Alexander Lucas
    Alexandrine Douillard
    Amiral Gervais
    Beurre Bosc
    Beurre Clairgeau
    Beurre Durandeau
    Beurre D�Anjou
    Beurre Fouqueray
    Beurre Giffard
    Beurre Hardy
    Beurre Lebrun
    Beurre Luizet
    Beurre Romain
    Beurre Six
    Beurre Superfin
    Bon Chretien D�hiver
    Bonne Louise D�avranches
    Charles Cogne
    Clapp�s Favorite
    Comtese de Paris
    Don Guindo
    Decana de Comicio
    Delbard Supercomice
    Delbard D�automne
    Delbard Exquise D�hiver
    Delbard Gourmande
    Des Urbanistes
    Docteur Jules Guyot
    Doyenne Sieule
    Duchese D�Angouleme
    Favorite Morel
    Fondante Fougere
    General Leclerc
    Gigante de Leon ( Giant local variety with more of 800 grams )
    Harrow Deligth
    Harrow Sweet
    Jeanne D�Arc
    Kolkol ( Giant local variety with more of 700 grams )
    Le Lectier
    Madame Fabre
    Madame Verte
    Marguerite Marillat
    Merveille de Sisteron
    Nashi Korean Giant
    Nashi Kumoi
    Nashi New World
    Nouveau Poiteau
    Packam�s Triumph
    Pierre Corneille
    Precoce de Trevoux
    President D�osmonville
    President Heron
    Red Comice
    Regal Red Comice
    Selena Elliot
    Soldat Laboreur
    Triomphe de Jodoigne
    Triomphe de Viene
    Van Mons
    Van Mons Leon Leclerc
    Williams Rouge

    For today is fine, so tomorrow more of the same (tomorrow my collection of apples), so little by little you can see my collection of varieties

    Best regards

  • #2
    Welcome along Jose


    oh my gosh !

    (I've got one pear tree - you've overwhelmed me, can't remember the variety)
    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


    • #3
      Hi Jose and welcome! That's a very fine pear collection. I have a collection of only three pear trees in my garden, but they are very big and produce huge numbers of pears. I don't know what varieties they are but they all look a bit different and they mature at different times.


      • #4
        Do not let my collection of pears overwhelm you, you'll see when we get to my collection of cherry, pluots, etc ......

        But we will go little by little, since I want to get to know the members of this forum, which for the moment has seemed magnificent.
        I know only a little about the "rules" of this forum, and Scarlet "the moderator" has welcomed me and gave me the guidelines to follow.

        So I hope that more people join this post, which I hope we all enjoy.

        Please if someone have any question about any variety, you can ask what you want

        a greeting


        • #5
          Welcome to the forum Jose,
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • #6
            Welcome to the vine


            • #7
              Welcome again Jose, that is some collection! really impressive. My collection is also old and I have no variety names but I would love to learn a little more on your grafting proces. I'll need to get some Spanish books out!


              • #8
                Hi and welcome to the pear.....sorry I mean vine

                What do you do with all that fruit? Would love to see pics (yes, I am nosey)


                • #9
                  Hello Jose welcome to the vine


                  • #10
                    Hello again guys, and thanks for welcome to the forum.

                    Scarlet, I use the "whip and tonge" grafting system, for the varieties of fruit of the pip (pears apple trees etc .....), at the end of February, during the month of March, even until the middle of the month of April, with the rootstock in already in vegetative state, after those dates it is better to use the system of grafting Chip Budding.

                    Norfolkgrey, I am the owner of a restaurant, and I can use all the fruit, also gift the fruit to my family and friends, and of course I can put some pictures of my varieties of pears (now I am working), this afternoon I will do some photos and put them in the forum.

                    If some of you do not know some variety, you ask my about it.

                    Do not overwhelm yourself, my collection of pears, is not the most important fruit variety of my orchard, as you will soon discover.

                    Best regards


                    • #11
                      Welcome Jose

                      The only fruit I grow myself is strawberries. I can see you are going to be a valuable contributor to this forum.


                      • #12
                        Wow Jose that is an impressive list of pears - I can't wait to hear about the rest of your collection

                        Welcome to the vine!


                        • #13
                          Welcome to the vine Jose, I'm blown away with the amount of pears and really interested to see how big your total collection of fruit is. I have just given my brother in law the two cherry trees I had as they are cooking and not eating cherries, I didn't know they were just cheap at Lidl's but they made some excellent jam when in the hands of my sister in law.
                          . .......Man Vs Slug
                          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                          Nutters Club Member


                          • #14
                            Hi Chris11, vixylix, cadalot, and rest of friends.
                            The promised is debt , so Let's go with some pictures of my varieties of pears.

                            It is the first time that I insert photos in this forum, so if I do not do it right, I will edit it.

                            Nashi New World

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	nEW wORLD.jpg
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Size:	112.9 KB
ID:	2374359


                            • #15
                              Welcome Jose


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