Just thought I'd say hi and introduce myself. I'm a bit of a newbie gardener. When we moved into our house a few years ago we neglected the garden. When we finally tidied up I got bitten by the gardening bug and especially took and interest in growing fruit and veg.
So far I've just dipped my toe in, we unsuccessfully grew some courgettes last year and some strawberries that didn't amount to much, though we did have some success with some Autumn raspberries. This year we grew a good number of chillies.
As the garden was pretty tired and not very family friendly, we had it redesigned and re-landscaped. Despite having a lot to fit into a modest amount of space, I've finally got my garden office (yay), a lawn (we've never had one) and a decent space to grow some fruit and veg. Here's a photo of my new (and empty) fruit and veg garden.
I've got two raised beds that I'll be using with the square foot gardening system and two ground beds in each corner that we'll be using to grow some soft fruit. I just planted a Tayberry in the right hand corner yesterday which we will be training along the fence, and I've still got my raspberries sitting in pots waiting to go in the other beds. I'm also going to be planting a dwarf Blackberry ("Little Black Prince") next to the Tayberry.
Of course, not a huge amount of stuff to plant at this time of the year, but I've got some bare root Strawberries "Flamenco" to go in three squares, some onion sets, some garlic and some broad beans to sow. I can't wait to see the fruit and veg garden come to life (as well as the rest of the garden, when all of the other plants and bulbs in our borders start to spring to life).
I'm trying to get my eldest daughter (6) to help me whenever possible, my parents never really did any gardening as a child and I want her to grow up with an interest (and my youngest, who's only 19 months, when she's a bit older).
So far I've just dipped my toe in, we unsuccessfully grew some courgettes last year and some strawberries that didn't amount to much, though we did have some success with some Autumn raspberries. This year we grew a good number of chillies.
As the garden was pretty tired and not very family friendly, we had it redesigned and re-landscaped. Despite having a lot to fit into a modest amount of space, I've finally got my garden office (yay), a lawn (we've never had one) and a decent space to grow some fruit and veg. Here's a photo of my new (and empty) fruit and veg garden.
I've got two raised beds that I'll be using with the square foot gardening system and two ground beds in each corner that we'll be using to grow some soft fruit. I just planted a Tayberry in the right hand corner yesterday which we will be training along the fence, and I've still got my raspberries sitting in pots waiting to go in the other beds. I'm also going to be planting a dwarf Blackberry ("Little Black Prince") next to the Tayberry.
Of course, not a huge amount of stuff to plant at this time of the year, but I've got some bare root Strawberries "Flamenco" to go in three squares, some onion sets, some garlic and some broad beans to sow. I can't wait to see the fruit and veg garden come to life (as well as the rest of the garden, when all of the other plants and bulbs in our borders start to spring to life).
I'm trying to get my eldest daughter (6) to help me whenever possible, my parents never really did any gardening as a child and I want her to grow up with an interest (and my youngest, who's only 19 months, when she's a bit older).