I've been here a little while now so thought I'd better say hello properly. I'm James, we live just north of Lancaster and I'm allowed a bit of a veg plot in the garden as long as it's kept fairly neat. So I have managed to get in a cold frame, a small asparagus bed, two gooseberries, two red currants, a black currant which I propagated from last year so might have another 3 clumps soon, Rhubarb and a couple of apple trees. There's also a little veg bed approx 6x12ft to keep me busy. I'm not sure how we'll get on next year as we now have a little baby (7 weeks) to keep me busy. Thank goodness my growing space in at the house.
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Hi all
Hi Jimny and welcome to the madhouse
Hi burnie, I've been growing new potatoes, beetroot, broad beans, peas. Tried some cabbages and calabrese this year as we're on clay but have decided due to amount of space they take up not to bother next year. Also tried doing carrots in a grow bag last year and they worked well so am doing more of those next year. Any offers of varieties to try all greatfully received.
Hi, Jimny. If you have room for another giant tub, a courgette plant will prove productive and also make a dramatic visual impact in the garden.
As for carrots, I've never tried growing them in a grow bag. I guess you must need shortish ones. What did you grow this year?
Bet you could get a couple of cherry tom plants in...
Anyway, happy growing. Best wishes to you and your family!
Hi snoop puss I grew autumn King, used those potato planter grow bags filled with a mix of my nasty heavy clay soil and lots of sharp sand and compost. Then as I thought that still might have been a bit heavy or rich I punched holes in it with a dibber and back filled them with pure sand and sowed directly on to the sand. Got this sort of size Carrot out.
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