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Greenhouse spares


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  • Greenhouse spares

    I'm looking for advice regarding my daughter's greenhouse. The sliding door wont stay on the runner, it actually fell forward and the glass broke. We've replaced the glass and the little wheels on the top of the door but as the door slides open it still falls off the runner. I think it needs a new runner but i cant find anywhere that sells them. The greenhouse has an aluminium frame and was already at the property when my daughter bought it also we can't see a name on it, I'm afraid. Oops sorry, think I've put this in the wrong place 😩

  • #2
    Check the C section that the wheel runs in it's not deformed, and put a stop at the end if there isn't one to prevent the wheel coming out of the end.
    . .......Man Vs Slug
    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
    Nutters Club Member


    • #3
      Is it the bottom section properly? You need to ensure is on the bottom runner first then slide the wheels into the C section at the top.


      • #4
        I also found that cleaning and then spraying the bottom of the door with WD40 helps for a smoother opening and shutting action and puts less stress on the Wheel and C section at the top of the door, and it's less likely to rack and pop out of the C section or become detached at the bottom of the door.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • #5
          if it won't stay on, it's either lifting, or the channel isn't deep enough.

          I'd start by cleaning out all the rails/wheels/runners/sliders etc top and bottom

          Can you check top and bottom rails are a consistent distance apart (a giveaway here will be if it's more secure at one end of the run than the other). Use a plumbline (a rock on a long enough string will work) to check they are parallel in front-to-back as well as up and down.

          If it is those, you may be able to pull it back into shape.

          If the track is too shallow, a bodge solution might be to deepen the channel on the wheels (get a suitable sized nut and bolt, use that to hold the wheel tight, put that in a drill and use a round file to deepen it a bit.)

          How old is the greenhouse? I'd start by looking at Crittal, they seemed to make every aluminium greenhouse of a certain age...


          • #6
            Greenhouse spares

            Thanks for your replies, we have started to give the runners/guides a good clean this afternoon, but got rained off so we'll finish that as suggested and spray with WD40. I don't think the distance between the top and bottom runners is consistent, it seems to start off ok but as the door slides further open it falls out of the groov�, I'm assuming this is referred to as the C Section. I really thought it would have been an easy task to buy another runner but can't find any firm that sells them. Thanks again for your help, I'll keep you posted.


            • #7
              Can we get some photos?


              • #8
                Greenhouse spares

                I'm going Wednesday pm, I'll take some photos then.


                • #9
                  Greenhouse spares

                  Originally posted by bikermike View Post
                  if it won't stay on, it's either lifting, or the channel isn't deep enough.

                  I'd start by cleaning out all the rails/wheels/runners/sliders etc top and bottom

                  Can you check top and bottom rails are a consistent distance apart (a giveaway here will be if it's more secure at one end of the run than the other). Use a plumbline (a rock on a long enough string will work) to check they are parallel in front-to-back as well as up and down.

                  If it is those, you may be able to pull it back into shape.

                  If the track is too shallow, a bodge solution might be to deepen the channel on the wheels (get a suitable sized nut and bolt, use that to hold the wheel tight, put that in a drill and use a round file to deepen it a bit.)

                  How old is the greenhouse? I'd start by looking at Crittal, they seemed to make every aluminium greenhouse of a certain age...
                  I think the greenhouse is about 10yrs old


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