Hi all 
I have been reading the magazine for a while now so have decided to join the forum.
I've been gardening from a young age, helping my Dad out at with his allotment and then graduating to growing on my own with varying degrees of success.
I prefer my plants to be useful and have a particular fondness for fruits particularly Raspberries and stranger less known varieties.
We are in the process of sorting the garden out so most things are in pots at the moment, not ideal I know but hopefully by the end of the year this will all be sorted out.

I have been reading the magazine for a while now so have decided to join the forum.
I've been gardening from a young age, helping my Dad out at with his allotment and then graduating to growing on my own with varying degrees of success.
I prefer my plants to be useful and have a particular fondness for fruits particularly Raspberries and stranger less known varieties.
We are in the process of sorting the garden out so most things are in pots at the moment, not ideal I know but hopefully by the end of the year this will all be sorted out.