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Mare tails roots fertilizer


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  • Mare tails roots fertilizer

    I have full blue barrel of mare tails roots .Shall I do anything or just fill it with a water and wait?

  • #2
    I usually fill with water at this point and weight them down so that they are fully submerged.
    I usually wait 6 months with mares tails, to ensure fully dead, others may "drown them for less than this though" Its really easy to re propagate them back into your plot.
    With nettles and comfrey, I don't wait anywhere near as long


    • #3
      my first batch I left for 1 year and didn't put it on the growing area. seems to have not sprouted yet.


      • #4
        Dried mine on the paths for 4/6 weeks, then drowned it in sealed containers for 3 months... stinks! and I mean stinks.

        Tis dead though


        • #5
          Thank you for replies,I will make sure its dead then.And I think I need few more barells


          • #6
            I have collected quite a few blue barrels for that very purpose, every weed i pull out, goes in one barrel or another
            Last edited by MyWifesBrassicas; 27-03-2019, 10:29 PM. Reason: bad spellers of the world untie


            • #7
              Where are you picking up your barrels from then?
              Are they freebies or are you parting with cash?


              • #8
                apparently indian restaurents are a good place to get them ,they are used for curry and food stuff! with lids atb Dal


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Craig_C View Post
                  Where are you picking up your barrels from then?
                  Are they freebies or are you parting with cash?
                  I haven't bought any yet, although they do go for as little as �5
                  Seem to find them when I'm not really looking for them, people throw them away. They're found mostly at recycling centres and especially in skips


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MyWifesBrassicas View Post
                    I haven't bought any yet, although they do go for as little as �5
                    Seem to find them when I'm not really looking for them, people throw them away. They're found mostly at recycling centres and especially in skips
                    you are a womble AICM�5

                    seriously jealous of your barrel-finding ability. I only ever see good stuff in skips when I'm off to work wearing a suit and so I can't bin-dive


                    • #11
                      The easiest one to scrounge is broken refuge collection bins at the council depot.
                      Often it just a broken lid or a missing wheel, they're mostly water tight and they're really happy to pass them on.


                      • #12
                        Also, if anyones looking for the 1000 litre IBC tank, try tree surgeon companies.
                        They buy in the used ones, take the plastic insert out of the cage and use the cage for logs to sell on as fuel. They're then left with the plastic container which has loads of uses, great as water butts


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