I am just after some advice as to what other allotment organisations do when someone gives up their plot with regards to equipment that the tenant may leave behind. Sheds, greenhouse etc. We are a privately run allotment and my understanding is that if you vacate your plot, you take what you want to keep and anything left is for the next tenant to use. Someone wants to give up one of their plots to someone on our waiting list, and has mentioned that he had just recently planted an apple tree, so has suggested that the new tenants pay �50 which will cover that and anything else left on the plot. I�m not sure if the �50 includes the rent (I do hope so), but even so that makes for a very expensive apple tree and the new occupants might not actually want an apple tree!
I spoke to another committee member and she thought that the incoming tenant would be expected to make an offer for greenhouses and sheds that are in good condition, but with actual produce you would probably have to accept your losses. She did say that when she took on her plot, one plot that was offered to her had a very run down shed on it and she was told that the vacating tenant expected a contribution! She didn�t take that plot, but surely if you can�t take something with you then you have no other option to leave for the next tenant?
Thoughts/Ideas/what you do on your site would be hugely appreciated!
I am just after some advice as to what other allotment organisations do when someone gives up their plot with regards to equipment that the tenant may leave behind. Sheds, greenhouse etc. We are a privately run allotment and my understanding is that if you vacate your plot, you take what you want to keep and anything left is for the next tenant to use. Someone wants to give up one of their plots to someone on our waiting list, and has mentioned that he had just recently planted an apple tree, so has suggested that the new tenants pay �50 which will cover that and anything else left on the plot. I�m not sure if the �50 includes the rent (I do hope so), but even so that makes for a very expensive apple tree and the new occupants might not actually want an apple tree!
I spoke to another committee member and she thought that the incoming tenant would be expected to make an offer for greenhouses and sheds that are in good condition, but with actual produce you would probably have to accept your losses. She did say that when she took on her plot, one plot that was offered to her had a very run down shed on it and she was told that the vacating tenant expected a contribution! She didn�t take that plot, but surely if you can�t take something with you then you have no other option to leave for the next tenant?
Thoughts/Ideas/what you do on your site would be hugely appreciated!