I hope this is the appropriate forum to ask this question! I have two plots at my local allotment site one of which I mainly grow fruit on. My neighbour has just bought a second hand greenhouse and put the frame up a couple of weeks ago. My problem is that he set it up with the door adjacent to the path between our plots which means it's very close to my Raspberry patch (probably 50 - 75cm). This seems crazy, I have my greenhouse on my other plot facing into the rest of my plot, not my neighbour's! If he wants to move anything like staging etc in there he'll have to come on to my plot. Anyway, the frame blew done in recent wind (I honestly had nothing to do with it!) so I asked him if he would face it the other way if/when he rebuilt it. He was not happy with my suggestion. I know it's his plot and the path is communal but ................
Am I being unreasonable?
Am I being unreasonable?