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Neighbourly advice


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  • Neighbourly advice

    I hope this is the appropriate forum to ask this question! I have two plots at my local allotment site one of which I mainly grow fruit on. My neighbour has just bought a second hand greenhouse and put the frame up a couple of weeks ago. My problem is that he set it up with the door adjacent to the path between our plots which means it's very close to my Raspberry patch (probably 50 - 75cm). This seems crazy, I have my greenhouse on my other plot facing into the rest of my plot, not my neighbour's! If he wants to move anything like staging etc in there he'll have to come on to my plot. Anyway, the frame blew done in recent wind (I honestly had nothing to do with it!) so I asked him if he would face it the other way if/when he rebuilt it. He was not happy with my suggestion. I know it's his plot and the path is communal but ................

    Am I being unreasonable?

  • #2
    You might get used to it being there,he might not have to come on your plot,you could plant a shrub on your bit so there�s no chance of him treading on your raspberries. Do you have a 4ft fence or anything around the entrance? It�s a bit mad isn�t it,Ive never seen someone put a greenhouse on the communal path edge before,it would be easier to transplant crops if the door was the other side facing where you�re going to plant out.
    Location : Essex


    • #3
      I'd start putting a cage round your rasberries, that side first...


      • #4
        I don't have a fence at the moment, I may have to get one. Annoyingly, I think one of the reasons he's done it is that I keep the path really well maintained especially since I got a cordless lawnmower, his other side is overgrown with nettles. But that still doesn't explain the illogical choice of having the door facing my plot not his. Like you say, it would be easier for him to have it face into his plot. I wonder if he just doesn't want to admit he made a mistake,


        • #5
          Originally posted by bikermike View Post
          I'd start putting a cage round your rasberries, that side first...
          It may have to come to that!


          • #6
            Two of my greenhouses face the communal path.......I am pretty sure that they don't annoy my very nice neighbour though. They were already there when he took on his allotment. However they are set back about 18 inches from the path and have no staging. I use them to plant directly into the borders. I originally put them there as if they were the other way round they would get the worst winds when the doors were open and it is handy to be able to take the wheelbarrow straight to the doors on occasion. Do you usually get on with your neighbour or do you often annoy each other?


            • #7
              thinking about it, if you suggest setting it back a bit that will make a lot of difference.

              If you have a suitable plank, could you demonstrate the problem he will have when he puts anything long in his gh?


              • #8
                Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
                Two of my greenhouses face the communal path.......I am pretty sure that they don't annoy my very nice neighbour though. They were already there when he took on his allotment. However they are set back about 18 inches from the path and have no staging. I use them to plant directly into the borders. I originally put them there as if they were the other way round they would get the worst winds when the doors were open and it is handy to be able to take the wheelbarrow straight to the doors on occasion. Do you usually get on with your neighbour or do you often annoy each other?
                TBH I don't see him much but we've always chatted when he's around and like I said, I keep the paths and my plot pretty well maintained. If it was set back it would be no problem at all. When he was building the frame he had his tools lying over my Raspberry patch so I'm not convinced he'll be too thoughtful about keeping off them when he wants access to his GH. And yes, I should have said something at the time, I know!
                EDIT: The prevailing winds her are south westerlies, if he turns his GH round it will face north and miss most the winds.
                Last edited by RedRuth; 05-06-2019, 04:22 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bikermike View Post
                  thinking about it, if you suggest setting it back a bit that will make a lot of difference.

                  If you have a suitable plank, could you demonstrate the problem he will have when he puts anything long in his gh?
                  This would solve the problem, I think I'll suggest it when I see him. I really don;t think he put much thought into it.


                  • #10
                    Would you be prepared to offer to help him cut down the nettles? Might that prove sufficient incentive?


                    • #11
                      In my first site a lot of sheds and greenhouses had their entrances facing the communal path as it cuts down on the amount of paths you need on the plot.

                      You might want to check your site agreement - it may state something about structures being set back from the edge. Remember that such a rule would also apply to your raspberry cage.

                      If the rules don't state anything then he is well within his rights to site it so the door is next to the communal path

                      New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

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                      �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                      ― Thomas A. Edison

                      - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                      • #12
                        Yeah this is odd. I would never place a greenhouse to open on to the edge of my plot, especially not if there's only a path between the two plots.

                        We have that rule on our site - we're not allowed to place structures so that they are a certain distance from the edge of our plot, and it must not under any circumstances cast a shadow on to someone else's plot. All structures are encouraged to go in the centre of plots for this reason.

                        I hope he sees sense!


                        • #13
                          A few strands of wire to support your raspberries would stop him straying onto your plot.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            A few strands of wire to support your raspberries would stop him straying onto your plot.
                            That seems the best thing to do then when the supports blocks him taking things into his GH he'll have to do something about moving it.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • #15
                              I bought a couple of very sturdy galvanised posts from Homeb@se recently for my row of rasps.


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