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Whats the order of jobs on new plot.


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  • #16
    Your tall flowering allium could be elephant garlic? You'll know if you dig one up!


    • #17
      OOO Always wanted to!

      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Your tall flowering allium could be elephant garlic? You'll know if you dig one up!
      Fantasic Always wanted to try it, is it okay to eat when flowered?

      Also I now have permission from the site admin to begin digging, Garden Center tomorrow Morning


      • #18
        I always let mine flower - because they're such fantastic tall flowers!. I dug mine up last week.
        They have a number of "cloves" alongside the main bulb. You can save some to replant for next year. For the record, all alliums are edible and they should smell of onion/garlic - so that you can identify them from other bulbs. Don't want you eating daffodils or gladioli by mistake!

        This post may help you
        Last edited by veggiechicken; 06-09-2019, 05:16 PM.


        • #19
          Fruit Tree.

          So I plan on Getting the Apple Tree Tomorrow, Can I plan spring bulbs under, Daffs, Tulip, and the likes? I want to include Snow Drops Too, as these are best at the colder months I think some colour would look great, and left to die naturally when the apple tree starts to grow, I don't plan on growing summer bulbs under as they would compete.

          Well I love the Allium Spring Bulbs so letting them flower is good,

          I'm going to begin my plan, go down tomorrow, Asses everything on site, take stock, do some digging in the beds if still there and see if anythign left like potatoes, never know
          at same time draw up a plan I will be buying some twine tomorrow Lovely stuff if a bit itchy haha!

          My ideal plot would be, 4 cornerbeds, two side beds and a central flower wild and purpose planted.

          Two pf the corners for Fruit, and none rotating planting. so, one willhave the apple tree one side and herbs other, and the flower bulbs likely closed to pathway, and other fruit bushes and strawberries, and I am able at some point make steps for the strawberries to better use the space so over the years the runners can be planted lower and remove old and then grow up again. I dunno it's an Idea and maybe too much. the only plan is clear and asses and sort the central bed for the wild flowers and like to encourage Bees to make site healthy.

          I know plants like Nasturtiums deture pests, Can I plant it with the plants of away?

          Sorry lets of questions, DO I need to start somewhere else for this?

          Oh Short of taking a tailors tape measure any advice on measuring a plot, I was thinking heel to toe and count? I know my shoe size and I can get an approximation to properly plan.

          Thank you


          • #20
            Don't forget to take photos of the plot as it is now and again at regular intervals to the coming months to record how much you've achieved.
            Graph paper, to plot what you have and again, what you'd like.
            A flask of coffee/tea/whatever and a chair to rest on.
            Have fun.


            • #21
              Elephant Garlic!

              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Your tall flowering allium could be elephant garlic? You'll know if you dig one up!
              Indeed, I believe it is,the surviving cloves are growing leek like leaves but growing from bulbs, I did manage to pull one in tacked (apart from being eaten by bugs) and it's Garlic IT's huge!!
              SO I have taken a dead seed head, worth a try, and when I have sorted a new home for it I will then replant the sprouting cloves before it's too Cold hopefully, One thing that troubles me is it did not smell like Garlic or onion.

              There is a plant that I assume is a Horseradish but it does not smell of mustard when rolled between hands, and it's currently hard to get to, other debris in way old windows and doors.

              the plot before I started and after finished for the day


              • #22
                re try that

                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Your tall flowering allium could be elephant garlic? You'll know if you dig one up!
                Indeed, I believe it is,the surviving cloves are growing leek like leaves but growing from bulbs, I did manage to pull one in tacked (apart from being eaten by bugs) and it's Garlic IT's huge!!
                SO I have taken a dead seed head, worth a try, and when I have sorted a new home for it I will then replant the sprouting cloves before it's too Cold hopefully, One thing that troubles me is it did not smell like Garlic or onion.

                There is a plant that I assume is a Horseradish but it does not smell of mustard when rolled between hands, and it's currently hard to get to, other debris in way old windows and doors.

                the plot before I started and after finished for the day


                • #23
                  The first picture is horse radish I think, and the second one looks like swiss chard

                  That looks like a lovely plot!


                  • #24
                    Oh no...

                    Originally posted by SarrissUK View Post
                    The first picture is horse radish I think, and the second one looks like swiss chard

                    That looks like a lovely plot!
                    Oh no, it;s same plant just close up.
                    I think it's going to turn into a lovely plot. over two years i think, I know what I want to grow nothing massive just enough to test growing.


                    • #25
                      You have some great "junk" on your plot!


                      • #26
                        It's wonderful

                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        You have some great "junk" on your plot!
                        IT's wonderful, so much to reuse and take advantage of, just need to get an electric screw driver.
                        It looks as though the previous tenant was there for quite some time. #

                        There is a strawberry patch, protected by black sheet but it's all over grown, how do I go about a new presentation and to revitalize the plants and ground.


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