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how to deter human pest?


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  • how to deter human pest?

    Our site is quite..unique there is a public footpath through it .We have few break in the sheds in the year,once in the summer someone make his home in empty shed.What annoys me the most is a people (a teenegares but not only) stealing a produce.Sweetcorn from near to path,pumpkins I heard even of goosberry bush was pulled out .
    While complaints to council dosen't change reality I was wondering how to deal with it for next year.I have been planing on fencing but I cant put antything valuable,some kind of signs that produce has been sprayed?
    Last edited by Atta; 10-10-2019, 10:19 PM.

  • #2
    Can you make a fence from pallets?
    Or put up a sign saying the plot is protected by CCTV - maybe a dummy camera?


    • #3
      Electric fence?


      • #4
        barbed wire ?


        • #5
          You can�t have electric fences or barbed wire next to a public path where little children walking past might hurt themselves. Protect the crops,get some fences up,or caged plants with a lock. Theft happens everywhere,you�re not alone. Grow more of what you want to harvest,knowing it�s for sharing.
          Location : Essex


          • #6
            Plant blackberry bushes and nettles next to the path.


            • #7
              Several plots on our site have a soft fruit hedge. Posts and wire/rope to support them, then blackberries, loganberries etc trained along the supports.
              Other option is to grow crops which are less recogniseable, or harder to remove, nearer to the path. Stuff like mooli, spuds, jerusalem artichokes.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                Theft happens everywhere,you’re not alone. Grow more of what you want to harvest,knowing it’s for sharing.
                Koff splutter *****cks. No-one should have to just expect to grow more because there are thieves about.
                That is preposterous.

                Electric fences, barbed wire and anything else that could cause injury to anyone, not just children, will get folks into trouble. A hidden camera would be ideal if one can be sourced. I think there are available for filming wildlife.


                • #9
                  Pill box with GPMG fitted, and / or landmines...

                  Failing that the suggestion on a fruit hedge is a good second place option.


                  • #10
                    Sign saying -

                    "Crops sprayed with human fertiliser" might help...
                    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                    • #11
                      I Think Humanure sign will do for next year. Some fence if I could patch sth over the winter.Its just so frustrating .We have already place where we leave extra produce so passers by can help themselfs.
                      Anything could cause the harm is no no.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Atta View Post
                        We have already place where we leave extra produce so passers by can help themselfs.
                        Well if you are encouraging people to take excess crops, no doubt they see crops still growing and not harvested as extra crops as well, and free for the taking too.
                        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                        Endless wonder.


                        • #13
                          Helpfully label almost everything as poisonous? It's not untrue, exactly - parsnip, rhubarb and potato foliage, asparagus berries, unripe tomatoes, most fruit pits, beans until cooked, onions if you're a cat....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                            Koff splutter *****cks. No-one should have to just expect to grow more because there are thieves about.
                            That is preposterous.
                            It works though AP,it makes you more carefree about people helping themselves,you don�t have to worry because there�s plenty to share. Thieving will never stop & I wouldn�t want to be short for myself.
                            Location : Essex


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
                              It works though AP,it makes you more carefree about people helping themselves,you don’t have to worry because there’s plenty to share. Thieving will never stop & I wouldn’t want to be short for myself.
                              I don't understand how you can possibly say that it works. There is no way that it will stop thieving and in fact if nothing is done to stop the thieving it will encourage the thieves to go further. I have never till now thought about using expletive language on the vine!!!!


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