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Allotment website


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  • Allotment website


    I have volunteered to build a website for the allotments. I was wondering if any other allotment holders know of websites for their allotments. Would love to have a look so I know I am on the right track!

    Here's what I have so far...

    If you have any ideas and suggestions I would love you to share them.

    I spent an hour in the "exclusive" allotment hut last Sunday with the committee and got a few ideas, and frozen toes too!


  • #2
    Originally posted by clareg View Post

    I have volunteered to build a website for the allotments. I was wondering if any other allotment holders know of websites for their allotments. Would love to have a look so I know I am on the right track!

    Here's what I have so far...

    If you have any ideas and suggestions I would love you to share them.

    I spent an hour in the "exclusive" allotment hut last Sunday with the committee and got a few ideas, and frozen toes too!

    Looks pretty good to me. Only comment I'd have (admittedly I've only browsed very quickly), would be to make the navigation between the photos a little simpler - rather than having to go "back" via the web browser when viewing the photos...

    Like I said, other than that, I like it. Our allotment doesn't have anything remotely similar.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?


    • #3
      Thanks HeyWayne,

      The photos are a bit of a hassle, I'll look at some sort of back/forward buttons for easier navigation.

      Appreciate the quick response too!



      • #4
        I really liked the opportunity for a stroll round the allotments. I didn't find it a hassle to use the back button personally. Lovely idea.

        I think it will be a useful site for your members, present and potential. Well done lass!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Cheers Flummery, I'm glad you like the photos, thats about half of the allotments so far! It's a big site and I've got new ideas for my own allotment too. My allotment is next to the entrance so I don't often go any further!



          • #6
            Here's the one my OH has just built for us at SWAA. Feel free to try and break it. I thought we needed a presence on the net as that's where I looked first when trying to find an allotment.


            I had the same problem with the photos as Haywayne. Trying to get back to the home page was a bit of a chore. Perhaps you could just put a Home Page link on each page.
            Last edited by mrskp; 16-10-2007, 06:08 AM.
            Catch up with my daily doings at and but wait a while cos these are well out of date ! Don't want to ditch them entirely cos I'll never remember the urls !


            • #7
              Hi mrskp,

              Love the website, I especially like the forum (although it seems you have had some problems with posts), and the ability to join the association online. I will speak to our secretary about that option.

              I am still working on the photos, found a simple tool from Microsoft for creating a slideshow, just need to add a few bits for getting back to the homepage.



              • #8
                see bottom of this post for ours.

                best of all ..... it's free
                Never be afraid to try something new.
                Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                • #9
                  clareg, you spotted our wooden spoon stirrers !!!!

                  There was me thinking, good idea, benefit to the association - bingo ! added value !

                  but it had been a bit of a headache getting people to use it as intended and not to wash their dirty laundry in public.

                  being a complete newbie to the association, i am amazed (perhaps naively) as to the politics that go on ! why can't people just get together and chat about cabbages ????? lol

                  Having the advantage of living with the webmaster, we didn't need to pay for the site creation (which was invoiced and discounted to the tune of �180) and the actual domain and registration costs came to about �60 for one and two years which I didn't think was bad.

                  the membership enquiries go direct to the secretary so we (as moderators) don't have to touch that mail. I've always fancied being a board "admin" but didn't bank on the problems it can bring.

                  If you need any coding help or advice, please feel free to pm me and I shall push the enquiry to Chief Cook and Webmaster !

                  Catch up with my daily doings at and but wait a while cos these are well out of date ! Don't want to ditch them entirely cos I'll never remember the urls !


                  • #10
                    Hi NTG, great blog, I'll shall be visiting again!

                    Thanks mrskp, I write software for a living but its not web-based so still learning about the differences/limitations. I got the domain for 12.99 for 2 years from, the rest is just my time. Given the problems you have had, maybe I'll think carefully about a forum. It can stay an informative rather than an interactive website for the time being!

                    I appreciate all the comments, suggestions and links,

                    thanks everyone,



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