Our council have just started a new scheme where a whole bunch of allotments is up for grabs at once and it's 'first come, first served' - I've just received my offer, only I'm at home with a house full of sick children (and not feeling too clever myself) so I can't get out to have a look and bag a plot!
There are 4 full plots and 3 half plots on offer. I've looked at the area on Google Earth but it's hard to be certain exactly which plot is which. Plus I don't know how old the pics are!
Do I just take pot luck, ring up and say, 'I'll have that one'? Or do I wait until I can look properly over the weekend (assuming we're all better!) and thereby risk them all having gone?
I don't want to land myself with a nightmare but nor do I want to miss out altogether! Argh!!!