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Book advice for newbie!


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  • Book advice for newbie!

    Hi all we have just been promised an allotment in 2 weeks time, we saw it today and of course it is in a bit of a mess! We would like to get a book that explains what to do, ie: how to build beds what to plant and when etc I'm sure you will all know what i mean. A simple book would be great, not that we are simple of course, I looked on amazon but it looks like there are lots of them and I just wondered if someone could recommend a definitive book.

    Many thanks in advance

    Andy & Linda

  • #2
    I get all my gardening books from the local library. I order online and they usually arrive within days or weeks, even new titles. Zero cost, superb.
    I have bought only 3 books:
    1) Gaia's Garden, about home-scale permaculture
    2) Bob Flowerdew organic one
    3) Dr Hessayon Veg.Expert
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Definitely the veg. expert also 'The Allotment Handbook by Caroline Foley which I find helpful.


      • #4
        My usual book list for new plotters.

        Hello Andy... I usually tout this list for new plotters, where about in the country are you. Stick it in your profile, it helps when people
        0ffer advice.

        Do some research, get down the library and look for these books..

        How to Plant your allotment by Caroline Foley
        Your Organic Allotment Pauling Pears
        The Allotment Handbook by Andi Cleavely
        Allotment Gardening : An Organic Guide for Beginners By Susan Berger
        Grow Your Own Veg by Carole Klein (rhs)
        The Half Hour Allotment: Lia Leendertz (rhs)
        All are available from Amazon,

        Finally think about what fruit you might like, we are in the ideal planting season.
        Blogging at.....


        • #5
          Hi seasprout, we live in a village called Stamford Bridge in York we would rather buy a book than go to the library so Linda can read it in bed!!!! If we were to buy one book which would it be? You say we are in the ideal planting season but I don't think we will officially have it until december the 9th then we will have to really tidy it up so I don't know when we would be ready to plant, not that we know when and what to plant It's all very new to us but Linda is a keen gardener I am totally clueless but last week I did prune something and really liked it! Many thanks for your prompt replies you seem like a friendly bunch here


          • #6
            Allotment Handbook is very good, also Dr Hessayon Vegetable Expert. Do get to know your fellow allotmenteers, too. They will know the local conditions, and will probably be happy to help (if a little overbearing in some cases). Be nice, say thanks, and do your own thing. There are some very nice people cultivating allotments, and you may be surprised at the freebies you get offered, from cups of tea to plants, seeds, manure and advice. Enjoy!!


            • #7
              Hello Andy - and welcome to the Vine!
              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
              ~ Mary Kay Ash


              • #8
                Originally posted by andy armitage View Post
                ... we would rather buy a book than go to the library so Linda can read it in bed!!!!
                I believe that you are permitted to read library books in bed

                Personally, my books of choice are John Seymours Self Sufficiency, and the Dr Hessyan veg expert.

                Welcome the the Vine, and have a whole heap of fun with your new lottie!


                • #9
                  Hello Andy and welcome to the Vine. This months edition of the GYO mag is a mine of information and will supplement whichever book you buy very well. Happy growing.
                  PS if you're looking for something to plant now it's got to be garlic.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    I would recommend 'The Allotment Handbook' by Andi Clevely (for good basic info on everything allotment related - good 1st book), 'The Complete Guide to Self Sufficiency' by John Seymour (for great info/advice and to remind you why you're doing it!), 'The Great Vegetable Plot' by Sarah Raven (for lots more info about the veg, and for great advice on plot design) and finally 'The Vegetable Expert' (for in depth advice about individual veg, planting requirements/cultivation/pests & diseases)
                    Also, not a book, but I would treat yourselves to the DVD set of The Allotment series which was shown on ITV West, you can buy it online. It's very good, and OH preferred the info that way, rather than reading it! Here's a link to it Allotment TV Series on DVD: Home : About The Allotment on DVD from Wildfire Productions allotments grow your own vegetables veg


                    • #11
                      wow thanks for all the kind words of welcome and suggestions, I looked on amazon and the carol kleine book gets a 5 star review from 14 people I was wondering if that was the one to buy


                      • #12
                        I love it, Andy, and also find it a good read - not all info books are interesting to read, just for looking things up! However, I don't know that I'd have it for my only book. Maybe the Andi Clevely. I also have the Hessayon book which many people recommend. Very good on veg info but not madly up to date on varieties and certainly not all his advice is organic. (I am speaking of the book I have though. I dare say it's been updated a time or two!)
                        I would echo everyone else's welcome to a grand hobby (or obsession!) and a great group of likeminded people here on the grapevine.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          Andy you can get the Carol Klein book for �4.99 from the book people

                          The RRP is �16.99

                          Its not a book club where you have to buy loads, its just a shop. Buy one or many books up to you. Lots of people here got a cheap copy when it came out, i think we sold out the shop for a while.

                          RE: my book list, i got many of the books from the library for a good nose through before deciding which to buy.

                          RE: The Hessayon books, i am lead to believe they are all being updated next year as much of the info relating the chemicals is now out of date, as many sprays are banned. So you might want to hold off purchasing a copy till they are altered.

                          Happy growing.
                          Blogging at.....


                          • #14
                            thanks seasprout that is a bargain


                            • #15
                              Even more so if the missus buys it.
                              Blogging at.....


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