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Would it be ethical to offer to shoot the pigeon on our allotment ?


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  • #31

    Hello Minty. Is your allotment in the town or in a rural area? I would not want to be eating pigeons that roost in or on buildings in town, their roosts are filthy and they nest in their own droppings. That's one of the reasons that you see so many pigeons in town centres with deformed feet.

    On the point of legality, pigeons are definitely a legitimate quary species. However they are protected when roosting (rearing young). I have a large walnut tree in my garden which is the subject of a tree preservation order. As a result I have to get written permission from the council each time it needs pruning back. If there are any birds nesting in the tree, including pigeons, then the work cannot be carried out.

    As far as the law is concerned the pigeons are more important than any dangers my tree may pose to neighbouring properties. Sometimes the work has to be delayed for months.
    It is the doom of man, that they forget.


    • #32
      You could borrow my 2 years old son; he chases the pigeons off by shouting "shoo shoo" in a very deep intimidating voice! Scares the life out of me!
      Tammy x x x x
      Fine and Dandy but busy as always

      God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

      Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


      • #33
        If you are going to eat what you kill then I can't see the problem ! If you do and you have too many to eat I'm sure there are a lot of grapes who would gladly take a few off your hands!
        How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


        • #34
          Originally posted by Snadger View Post
          but I wouldn't eat a scemmie!
          OK Snadger, I've been up here in the promised land for the neck end of 30 years, (I escaped from Merseyside) but I've never come across that one before. So what's a scemmie? First thought was a town pidge, but I'm probably wrong (as usual)

          If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


          • #35
            It's a bird, for god's sake. Net your crops.

            I agree with two sheds - if you shoot it another one will move in, you will have achieved nothing apart from hurting an innocent creature to stop it from eating your lottie veg, which i'm betting is a hobby for you and not essential to your very survival.

            Killing should be something done with respect according to NEED, not to 'protect' your hobby from a creature trying to feed itself.


            • #36
              Originally posted by sez View Post
              It's a bird, for god's sake. Net your crops.

              I agree with two sheds - if you shoot it another one will move in, you will have achieved nothing apart from hurting an innocent creature to stop it from eating your lottie veg, which i'm betting is a hobby for you and not essential to your very survival.

              Killing should be something done with respect according to NEED, not to 'protect' your hobby from a creature trying to feed itself.
              Yeah but lets not forget, they don`t half taste nice roasted stuffed with apple and wrapped in Bacon
              " If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog



              • #37
                Hey I didn't expect people to agree with me


                • #38
                  If you want to come round and shoot my local feral yoof - presently outside drinking, swearing, vandalising and having a mini riot - I would welcome you with open arms


                  • #39
                    We now have slightly fewer wood pigeons on our plot, because the horrible 90 foot conifer they roosted in has been cut down.
                    There are still a couple around on the roofs, but not so many. I have put all my brassicas under net curtains anyway, keeps out the Cabbage Whites too.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #40
                      YUK! Eating pigeon! I have to say even if I was not Vegetarian, I would never consider eating pigeon ( by the way, I am not against the killing or eating of animals (regularly cook meat for my partner - before anyone says I am biased!).

                      Living in London they are definately NOT on the menu for anyone I know, they eat all manner of nastiness left around and do not look appetising with their dirty looking feathers and deformed feet! My friend works at a well known music venue in London and had to organise for someone to clean the area behind the canopy as it was full of pigeons nesting there, the Contractor ended up with a huge cold sore on his nose and cheek as a result of being amongst the droppings, nests and dead birds lying around... Mmm Not a pleasant menu item.

                      However, I can understand that you folks who live in more rural areas must get some good eating from some of the 'pests' that reside on your plots. At least you kind of know what they are consuming, plus with what is left of your crop you can grow the best vegetables and herbs to accompany them!


                      • #41
                        A couple of partridge have taken an interest in our allotments. My first thoughts, after realising they weren't chickens, despite the clucking, was "Hmm, I wonder how they would taste". But because of the clucking, I'm hoping they might be like chickens and interested in eating slugs rather than produce, so I'll let them be.


                        • #42
                          go for it just mind that green house
                          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                          • #43
                            i used to work with a guy who had a mean but effective way of dealing with pigeons, he used to buy bird seed damp it and then add bicarbinate of soda to it and then dry it on the window sill once dry used it to feed the pigeons, apparently this kills them, havent tried it as there is very few pigeons near me but plenty of blackbirds so im buying fruit net next week ready, but he swore blind that it worked, there was always a few dead pigeons near where we worked, a guy who lives near my sister keeps pigeons and alway seems to let them out after her oh has just washed the car, and as he works shift the car gets washed at random times, so her oh is contemplating shooting them.


                            • #44
                              Anyone thought of sending an ASBO to them to scare them off. I think most lottie holders have trouble with these critters. I scare them with old video tape across the bed, also CDs on strings. My final defence is good strong netting.
                              good Diggin, Chuffa.

                              Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.



                              • #45
                                No, don't ever, ever eat a town-rat pigeon! However, the wood pigeon, fed on food not Mcdonalds litter etc, is indeed a mighty tasty thing!
                                I have discovered a couple of these are LIVING IN MY LOFT and I'm not happy about it. There's a hole which I can't get to in the wood around the gutters, so I fear that any eviction attempts won't work unless I can find a friendly person with a very tall ladder!
                                I haven't quite got the guts to trap or otherwise kill them though. Hypocritical, i know, seeing as I've enjoyed eating many of their relatives!


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