I was given a large (6ft by 8ftish) old, slightly the worse for wear shed at the weekend which is now in bits waiting for me to figure out where to put it on my plot. My plot is near the top of a south eastish facing slope so my first inclination was to stick it in the north-west corner near the road (to act as a bit of a sound baffle but hopefully without being too visible as the is hedgerow between the plot and the road) which so fat has been mostly shady due to the trees by the road and the low sun. My OH on the other hand thinks I should put it where it will get the evening sun so I can sit in front of it, tho I was planning on getting some seating near the apple trees at the front for that but then it could be nice to have somewhere with a little shelter for that I guess. A third option might be to have it more centrally located so i'm not running up and down the plot all the time, but then it might be using up prime planting space..
Anybody got any advice?
I'm trying to get the whole plot dug and leveled by spring (If have some interesting earthworks thanks to a previous owner stripping of the topsoil and piling it in ridges) but if i could decide where I want my shed I could focus on flattening and de-brambling that but so at least I'd have somewhere to hide and have a cuppa.. ;O)
thanks in advance,
I was given a large (6ft by 8ftish) old, slightly the worse for wear shed at the weekend which is now in bits waiting for me to figure out where to put it on my plot. My plot is near the top of a south eastish facing slope so my first inclination was to stick it in the north-west corner near the road (to act as a bit of a sound baffle but hopefully without being too visible as the is hedgerow between the plot and the road) which so fat has been mostly shady due to the trees by the road and the low sun. My OH on the other hand thinks I should put it where it will get the evening sun so I can sit in front of it, tho I was planning on getting some seating near the apple trees at the front for that but then it could be nice to have somewhere with a little shelter for that I guess. A third option might be to have it more centrally located so i'm not running up and down the plot all the time, but then it might be using up prime planting space..

I'm trying to get the whole plot dug and leveled by spring (If have some interesting earthworks thanks to a previous owner stripping of the topsoil and piling it in ridges) but if i could decide where I want my shed I could focus on flattening and de-brambling that but so at least I'd have somewhere to hide and have a cuppa.. ;O)
thanks in advance,
