Spent a very pleasureable hour in Wilkos on Monday looking at all the g.y.o stuff. Found it really difficult to make a decision on which seed potatoes to buy but finally settled on Rocket for the 1st earlies and Desiree for main crop.
As this my first season with the allotment, I'm rather clueless so would like your opinions on Rocket potatoes. I chose them as they were the earliest cropping but have since read some rather disappointing reports. I have some International Kidney for salad potatoes and Kestrel for 2nd earlies. Have I made a bad decision?
Your opinions would be greatfully appreciated!! I'm very puzzled by all the different choices.
Spent a very pleasureable hour in Wilkos on Monday looking at all the g.y.o stuff. Found it really difficult to make a decision on which seed potatoes to buy but finally settled on Rocket for the 1st earlies and Desiree for main crop.
As this my first season with the allotment, I'm rather clueless so would like your opinions on Rocket potatoes. I chose them as they were the earliest cropping but have since read some rather disappointing reports. I have some International Kidney for salad potatoes and Kestrel for 2nd earlies. Have I made a bad decision?
Your opinions would be greatfully appreciated!! I'm very puzzled by all the different choices.
