I've recently taken on a very disused plot, I've pulled a lot of the raspberry canes, docks, nettles, cough grass etc. out and covered the majority with begged and borrowed tarpaulins. I pulled a small section back, dug it over and planted some potatoes and left it two weeks. I went back this weekend and the soil is covered in mare's tail, couch grass, docks, dandelions, the pathways are knee high with docks and dandelions and absolutely no sign of potatoes at all. The rhubarb has gone to seed - didn't know they did that and I could have cried, it looked as though we'd done nothing. I can leave my borders at home a week or more and they don't look like that, why on earth does it come up so quickly and so densely in a plot? The soil was quite literally covered with weeds, you could hardly see any soil.
Feeling very discouraged
. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to be able to manage it if I only go at the weekends.
Also, we have no water on site, I've got a few water containers and one was half full but when we went this weekend, the water butts were empty - would it evaporate that quickly with the hot weather we've been having? I can't see how I'll manage to get enough water to support veg. through the summer. Have any of you got experience of this? I really can't see how it's going to work. I could kick myself, I should have been trying to catch as much water as I can over winter so that I could cover it and use it over summer. As it is, I've got absolutely none now.
Feeling very discouraged

Also, we have no water on site, I've got a few water containers and one was half full but when we went this weekend, the water butts were empty - would it evaporate that quickly with the hot weather we've been having? I can't see how I'll manage to get enough water to support veg. through the summer. Have any of you got experience of this? I really can't see how it's going to work. I could kick myself, I should have been trying to catch as much water as I can over winter so that I could cover it and use it over summer. As it is, I've got absolutely none now.