You say you aren't allowed a shed, which is a b*gger, but you can still store some basic tools there by digging a miniature 'grave' about 5 foot by 2 foot wide and a foot deep. Wrap your tools in an oily sack and lay a wooden door over the top. Vandals aren't going to lift an old door looking for tools and no one will be any the wiser.
Better still get the door and the frame and then you can just lift the trapdoor up on its hinges.
I have used a potato clamp on my allotment for the first time this year and can thouroughly recommend it! It's still half full with tatties which will hopefully last me until the earlies start cropping!
Carrots are grown under enviromesh which stays on 52 weeks of the year and carrots are just pulled as required. No carrot fly problems and no storage problems either, pull em and eat em!
Generally try and stay clear of F1 brassicas which are all ready on the same day but one F1 variety I've had good results with is the clubroot resitant Kilaxy/Kilaton cabbage which tastes nice and is still standing in my allotment now and has been cropping since September!
Onions can be hung up in ornamental strings similar to garlic.
Ideally, grow your herbs at home next to your kitchen door and your fruit veg and flowers at the allotment!
Better still get the door and the frame and then you can just lift the trapdoor up on its hinges.

I have used a potato clamp on my allotment for the first time this year and can thouroughly recommend it! It's still half full with tatties which will hopefully last me until the earlies start cropping!
Carrots are grown under enviromesh which stays on 52 weeks of the year and carrots are just pulled as required. No carrot fly problems and no storage problems either, pull em and eat em!
Generally try and stay clear of F1 brassicas which are all ready on the same day but one F1 variety I've had good results with is the clubroot resitant Kilaxy/Kilaton cabbage which tastes nice and is still standing in my allotment now and has been cropping since September!
Onions can be hung up in ornamental strings similar to garlic.
Ideally, grow your herbs at home next to your kitchen door and your fruit veg and flowers at the allotment!
