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  • Propergator

    Hi all

    just another quick question.

    i have been giving a propergator. Unfortunetly its not a heated one and my missus wont let me keep it in the house. Is there any way I can heat it out doors as I think it'll more like a clold frame and id like to start things off at home if I cant get to the allotment. Sorry if its a daft question.

    P.S is there anyone from Sunderland on the vine?

    Take time to make yourself feel good
    and you do whatever you want
    because you can now
    in my world

  • #2
    Who's house it it?

    Why won't she let you have it in the house? Is it a really big one or something.

    I think if my other half didn't allow the house to be used as an extension of the garden then we'd never get anything growing.

    Don't think there are many folk on here who won't have propergators, plant pots, seed tray etc all over the inside windowsills


    • #3
      It is a bit one yes and unfortunetly my better half is a bit obsessive with clenliness of the house but i dont want to go to much into that.

      I have a huge greenhouse at the allotment but unfortunetly having a 6 month old girl doesnt always give me the chance to get there.
      Take time to make yourself feel good
      and you do whatever you want
      because you can now
      in my world


      • #4
        I dont have a propagator full stop. I do make use of windowsills in unused rooms, but I just have to let MN take her course and see what happens.
        I think I may get one this year, but unheated as no power in greenhouse, and then cover it in winter woolies and see if it makes a difference.
        Btw I think Piskies OH is a Makam
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #5
          I'm really thick today - what's a makam?

          Kristofer - just use it in the greenhouse then, it will give extra protection even if not heated. Other than that - have you got an electricity supply in the greenhouse, if so I think you can get heat mats to stand it on

          sorry just realised you said the greenhouse was on the allotment - I guess you'll just have to use it as a cold frame in the garden
          Last edited by SMS6; 21-02-2008, 02:17 PM.


          • #6
            I have heard about putting a small tin into a large one and putting hot water in it....if anyone can shed some light (no pun intended) please do.
            Take time to make yourself feel good
            and you do whatever you want
            because you can now
            in my world


            • #7
              krisofer you could wrap baby up really warm and take her to the allotment for an hour or so whilst you set it up there i take mine down all the time for 1/2hr here an hour there if your lucky she will fall asleep on the way


              • #8
                There is a thread somewhere on the Russian doll greenhouse, a propagator inside a cloche inside a cold frame inside a plastic greenhouse inside a greenhouse. From memory I think that stopped stuff from freezing.
                Have a look and see if you can find it. The hot water thing I havent heard I must confess.
                Bob Leponge
                Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bobleponge
                  ....The hot water thing I havent heard I must confess.
                  I remember reading about someone wanting to make their own heated prop - they wanted to do it as cheaply as possible. (Vaguely) what they did was get a fishtank heater and use it to keep a 'tank' of water warm. In the warm water they floated some gravel trays (I think it was). So the trays were heated from below and didn't have a lid on them to block light. (Was this on another of the numerous propagator threads we've had?) So I guess it works like a bain marie.
                  Last edited by smallblueplanet; 21-02-2008, 02:54 PM.
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wild flower


                  • #10
                    I can see that working, but Kristofer he has no electrickery in his g'house so will have to think of another way.
                    Bob Leponge
                    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bobleponge View Post
                      There is a thread somewhere on the Russian doll greenhouse, a propagator inside a cloche inside a cold frame inside a plastic greenhouse inside a greenhouse. From memory I think that stopped stuff from freezing.
                      Have a look and see if you can find it. The hot water thing I havent heard I must confess.
                      It's in the Undercover Operations section, I'd post a link, but I haven't a clue how to do it.
                      Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                      • #12
                        You could get yourself a very small paraffin cold-frame heater? If the propogator is plastic, you wouldn't be able to put it inside or underneath it, but if you warm the air temperature around it, it will certainly help! There's some here;Greenhouse,Paraffin Greenhouse Heaters, but I expect you'd find them on eBay too & I think Wilkinsons do one.

                        There's a couple of Grapes from Sunderland I think, Rockhag & Burnzie?


                        • #13
                          Here's a link to my 'Russian Doll' thread:


                          I've got one of those mini-maxi thermometers inside the greenhouse-in-a-greenhouse and the temp is on average about 2 degrees warmer than in the big g/h. Can't fit the thermometer into the smaller propagators but I guess they will be another degree warmer still.
                          I was feeling part of the scenery
                          I walked right out of the machinery
                          My heart going boom boom boom
                          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                          I've come to take you home."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SMS6 View Post
                            I'm really thick today - what's a makam?
                            "mak'em" is a name for people from Sunderland, SMS6, like people from Newcastle are "Geordies". Apparently it originates from the ship-building - ships were made/built on the Wear & taken to the Tyne to be fitted out = make 'em & take 'em = mak'em & tak'em = makems! I am proud to be a Makem, albeit an ex-pat!


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