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Shed and greenhouses broken into.


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  • #16
    I wouldnt bother with the Green house, Unless you did what one of our meembers did. He built a scaffold frame about a foot bigger than the greenhouse and covered it in welding mesh. and welded it all on.

    For Sheds I:
    Attach a 3x2 behind the uprights that hold the door, floor to roof and glue and screw them on.
    I put a 4x2 across the three stringers that make up the door
    Put 3 hasp and staples on the door attached to the stringers behind the door. and screw them in to the 3x2 and on the door I drill thru and coach bolt them on.
    I coach bolt the hindges to the door and frame.
    Then Put hindge bolts on the door into the frame.
    Then 3 padlocks.

    You then have two options:
    Smash the wall in or burn down the shed.
    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


    • #17
      Their seems to be no community spirit or respect anymore on allotments some people think it�s a free for all makes me so mad grrrrrrrrrrrrr
      Smile and the world smiles with you


      • #18
        Originally posted by gardenplot View Post
        Their seems to be no community spirit or respect anymore on allotments some people think it�s a free for all makes me so mad grrrrrrrrrrrrr
        I totally agree with you, not only did kids ( I assume) break in, but some thief on the allotments nicked my weed burning bin.
        Cheers Chris

        Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


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