In true Victor Meldrew style "I DON'T BELEIVE IT!!!"
My Bl00dy allotment has flooded again. I guess this serves me right for saying "storm, what storm?" last week. Looks like the prolonged downpour we had over the weekend is the reason and the ground must be so saturated the water has been run off into the nearby streams. I've not been to have a look myslef but eye witness reports say over 1 foot of water.
Oh well there goes the easter spud planting plans. Fingers crossed for an April like last year to dry it all out. At least all my seedlings are safe at home in my greehouse. Nothing planted so nothing to lose. Take my advice - never get an allotment next to a stream!
Oh well make the most of what you have - anybody know how to grow rice?
My Bl00dy allotment has flooded again. I guess this serves me right for saying "storm, what storm?" last week. Looks like the prolonged downpour we had over the weekend is the reason and the ground must be so saturated the water has been run off into the nearby streams. I've not been to have a look myslef but eye witness reports say over 1 foot of water.

Oh well there goes the easter spud planting plans. Fingers crossed for an April like last year to dry it all out. At least all my seedlings are safe at home in my greehouse. Nothing planted so nothing to lose. Take my advice - never get an allotment next to a stream!
Oh well make the most of what you have - anybody know how to grow rice?
