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allotment size??


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  • allotment size??

    The allotment that I am on has made a ruling that there will only be full or half plots. No quarter plots. I can understand that this makes accounting and administration easier but I feel it is a bit short sighted as not everyone has the time and commitment to manage a half plot which usually end up with overgrown and badly cultivated plots. I am of the view that I would prefer to see all the ground fully cultivated and in full production, rather than plots that are only half cultivated. What do other people think.



  • #2
    Depends on the original plot size. Ours are a bit smaller than usual - private site - and although a half is a worthwhile size, a quarter wouldn't be.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      A quarter of my plot would be too small.
      You are a child of the universe,
      no less than the trees and the stars;
      you have a right to be here.

      Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

      blog: and my (basic!) page:


      • #4
        We have only just got ours - its about 30 metres x 4 metres. I think a quarter of this would be very small, that said, I havent even seen any half plots on our site.


        • #5
          I took on a half plot last February. As of this January, it is fully cultivated so took on another half plot. I now wish I had taken a whole plot on in the first place as they are not that close together. I say take the half and cover half of that with plastic until you are ready to cultivate.
          You know you're a hard nosed gardener when you pull the weeds from others plots!


          • #6
            Originally posted by gojiberry View Post
            The allotment that I am on has made a ruling that there will only be full or half plots. No quarter plots. I can understand that this makes accounting and administration easier but I feel it is a bit short sighted as not everyone has the time and commitment to manage a half plot which usually end up with overgrown and badly cultivated plots. I am of the view that I would prefer to see all the ground fully cultivated and in full production, rather than plots that are only half cultivated. What do other people think.


            I have two full plots as I originally had one but found it too small. Our plots are all full size plots (10 pole) no half plots! I can understand someone wanting a half plot if they haven't got the time to devote to a full plot, but to me a quarter plot would be a waste of time.
            If you only want a quarter plot I am sure someone else on the site would willingly cultivate and keep tidy the other quarter for you as long as you paid the rent for the half plot.
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #7

              I have half a plot and would find anything less to small, especially with crop rotation and the planting of spuds.

              I do not spend that much time at Lotty with work but find half a day/day at the weekend and watering at night in the summer enough time to keep on top of it.


              Carpe Diem

              The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you have got to put up with the rain!



              • #8
                I have just taken on two full plots and trying to get one of them up and running so i can start planting out this year, i have all intentions of getting both plots read for next spring and will be using both full plots fingers crossed.
                Smile and the world smiles with you


                • #9
                  We let quarter plots on our site these are taken by two sorts of people, the first are the ones that watch gardeners world and it seemed like a good idea at the time and never do anything apart from build raised beds then give up the plot before growing anything, the other quickly realises the plot is not big enough and wants more ground and can end up with a bit here and a bit there scattered all over the site, I have 17.5 rod and sometimes I think I could do with a bit more.


                  • #10
                    1/4 plot isn't that called a window box
                    My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                    • #11
                      We have a few tenants with quarter plots, but I think they are mainly people from overseas living in private rented property with little or no garden, who just want a few square metres for growing a bit of greenery. I have a one-third plot, which is plenty for me at the moment as I work full time, but it does mean I'm limited to supplementing our veg supply rather than fully supplying it.


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